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Using SharePoint Online templates - export
Is there anyway to download a Lookbook template as a zip file? The article seems to be missing information.
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Is there anyway to download a Lookbook template as a zip file? The article seems to be missing information.
Document Details
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- ID: b9f52c85-8e87-991f-5002-149f011fe8d0
- Version Independent ID: 352955bd-4e1a-126a-a026-440d2b62de38
- Content: SharePoint site template and site script overview
- Content Source: docs/declarative-customization/site-design-overview.md
- Service: sharepoint-online
- GitHub Login: @VesaJuvonen
- Microsoft Alias: vesaj
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I don't think so, please see the documentation at the following URL: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/add-sample-site. The only way to provision the templates is to click at the button "Add to your tenant".