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What Lang am I In
In the Formatter how can I detemine what Language I am using ? En , DE etc ?
Whats the field that can show this and I cant find it in the docs.
Document Details
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- ID: 1aa6ae62-4dd8-3bdf-2f2c-f3f4a76e43b9
- Version Independent ID: 1aa6ae62-4dd8-3bdf-2f2c-f3f4a76e43b9
- Content: Formatting syntax reference
- Content Source: docs/declarative-customization/formatting-syntax-reference.md
- Product: sharepoint
- GitHub Login: @VesaJuvonen
- Microsoft Alias: vesaj
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If you are saying List Formatting you can use @lcid
Andre is right about this, we have spoken on twitter, however I would point out its still unusable and does not behave as per the rest of the Site when switching language. It's worth mentioning this for those that may read this and struggle as I still am doing. I am going to raise a ticket on this, because perhaps this is a problem i my tenant only, perhaps not.
Here is the twiiter convo involving a few folk. https://twitter.com/BinaryJam/status/1518968813345193985?s=20&t=z8aVy4RSEJo7VJFJBlRunw
Found the answer to this, in a convo with the chap who wrote this article, its japanese but translate it and you find @UIlcid
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