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caffe_.mexw64: Invalid MEX-file Windows

Open PhDStudentC opened this issue 9 years ago • 19 comments

i followed the instruction of to create my mex-File( win8.1, matlab 2014a , vs2013, cuda 7.5) but when i tried to test the faster-rcnn demo i had this problem

GPU 1: free memory 2059571200 Use GPU 1 Invalid MEX-file 'C:\Users\Public\faster_rcnn-master\external\caffe\matlab\caffe_faster_rcnn\caffe_.mexw64': The specified module could not be found.

Error in caffe.set_device (line 9) caffe_('set_device', device_id);

Error in active_caffe_mex (line 26) caffe.set_device(gpu_id-1);

Error in script_faster_rcnn_demo (line 10) active_caffe_mex(opts.gpu_id, opts.caffe_version);

PhDStudentC avatar Oct 27 '15 09:10 PhDStudentC

Maybe you should Run fetch_data/fetch_caffe_mex_windows_vs2013_cuda65.m to download a compiled Caffe mex (for Windows only).

YingjieYin avatar Oct 27 '15 10:10 YingjieYin

i traied to use it but the same prob :( (i have cuda7.5 so i have to use my own mex file like in the )

PhDStudentC avatar Oct 27 '15 10:10 PhDStudentC

Did you find the way solution to use Cuda 7.5? By the way I have same settings and same problems. However change the Cuda version to 6.5 able to run the demo.

cominger avatar Nov 03 '15 10:11 cominger

this problem was caused by the gpu (less than titan ) and some missing dll so the demo run fine on cpu and i am trying to test it with such gpu

PhDStudentC avatar Nov 03 '15 13:11 PhDStudentC

i'm also cuda7.5,is any success in cuda7.5?thankyou

lightning0016 avatar Nov 09 '15 01:11 lightning0016

hi, yes it works in cuda 7.5 :)

PhDStudentC avatar Nov 21 '15 19:11 PhDStudentC

@ShaoqingRen , @YingjieYin @PhDStudentC I got the same problem. I use cuda 7.0 and compile the caffe_.mexw64 successfully. When I use dependence walker to check what are missed, even there is libmx,libmex(from matlab), and cudart65_64.dll missing (include some other more). But I didn't use cuda 6.5 at all and I couldn't find any environment using cuda 6.5. I don't have installed cuda 6.5 in my computer. If such dlls missing, why can I build it successully?

s0302102 avatar Nov 25 '15 08:11 s0302102

@PhDStudentC hi,can you send me the mex file which is compile on vs2013, cuda 7.5. Thank you! My email is [email protected]

shiorioxy avatar Feb 22 '16 03:02 shiorioxy

Hi everyone,I use Cuda 7.5,Feforce GT730. The caffe_.mexw64 works fine.

jian-ke avatar Mar 07 '16 04:03 jian-ke

Hi. I'm currently trying to run the code according with the instruction but i got the same error and i don't know how to solve this since i am new in GPU programming. I am using Windows 8.1 with Matlab R2015a, VS2013 and CUDA7.5 on GeforceGTX950M. Is there anyway to fix this problem?Please share if there is any. Thank you in advance!

RichardWenz avatar Mar 25 '16 08:03 RichardWenz

hi @shiorioxy did you get the mex file?i would like to have it if you got it since we encountered the same problem. Thank you.

RichardWenz avatar Apr 04 '16 13:04 RichardWenz

hi @PhDStudentC @ckmufeng I use Window 10 、Matlab R2016a, vs2013, detail like this,

环境 版本
Window 10 Version 10.0.10240
Matlab R2016a
Visual Studio 2013 [Ultimate] Update 5
OpenCV 2.4.9
Boost 1.61.0
显卡(GPU Card) NVIDIA Quadro K2200

Fllow the step Caffe for Faster R-CNN,I have successfully compiled caffe_.mexa64 ,and Copy all files in .\x64\Release_Mex to faster_rcnn-master\external\caffe\matlab\caffe_faster_rcnn,

than I also got the error like this :

GPU 1: free memory 2059571200
Use GPU 1
Invalid MEX-file 'C:\Users\Public\faster_rcnn-master\external\caffe\matlab\caffe_faster_rcnn\caffe_.mexw64': The specified
module could not be found.

Error in caffe.set_device (line 9)
caffe_('set_device', device_id);

Error in active_caffe_mex (line 26)

Error in script_faster_rcnn_demo (line 10)
active_caffe_mex(opts.gpu_id, opts.caffe_version);

Can you tell me how you solved it?

very thankful !!!

mindcont avatar Jun 27 '16 08:06 mindcont


I have tried on Ubuntu 14.04 to run the fatser_rcnn in CPU MODE and it works for me . So I suggest that when you meet this kind of question can try this method first ,all you need to do is

1 . Edit and compile caffe in $FRCN_ROOT/external/caffe/Makefile.config

# cuDNN acceleration switch (uncomment to build with cuDNN).
# USE_CUDNN := 1

# CPU-only switch (uncomment to build without GPU support).
 CPU_ONLY := 1

and complie by

make -j 4
make matcaffe

2 . Switch to CPU mode by edit $FRCN_ROOT/experiments/script_faster_rcnn_demo.m

%% -------------------- CONFIG --------------------
opts.caffe_version          = 'caffe_faster_rcnn';
% opts.gpu_id                 = auto_select_gpu;
% active_caffe_mex(opts.gpu_id, opts.caffe_version);

opts.per_nms_topN           = 6000;
opts.nms_overlap_thres      = 0.7;
opts.after_nms_topN         = 300;
opts.use_gpu                = false;
opts.test_scales            = 600;

%% -------------------- INIT_MODEL --------------------
%model_dir                   = fullfile(pwd, 'output', 'faster_rcnn_final', 'faster_rcnn_VOC0712_vgg_16layers'); %% VGG-16
model_dir                   = fullfile(pwd, 'output', 'faster_rcnn_final', 'faster_rcnn_VOC0712_ZF'); %% ZF

and then in $FRCN_ROOT run 'script_faster_rcnn_demo.m' you will see this

fast_rcnn startup done
001763.jpg (500x375): time 2.220s (resize+conv+proposal: 1.790s, nms+regionwise: 0.429s)
004545.jpg (500x375): time 2.727s (resize+conv+proposal: 1.962s, nms+regionwise: 0.765s)
000542.jpg (500x375): time 2.114s (resize+conv+proposal: 1.820s, nms+regionwise: 0.294s)
000456.jpg (500x375): time 2.461s (resize+conv+proposal: 1.822s, nms+regionwise: 0.639s)
001150.jpg (500x375): time 2.292s (resize+conv+proposal: 1.811s, nms+regionwise: 0.481s)
mean time: 2.363s
Cleared 0 solvers and 2 stand-alone nets


mindcont avatar Aug 11 '16 06:08 mindcont

there is a cuda7.5 version in the rfcn github, i download it and set tu cpu mode and it works...

jacobunderlinebenseal avatar Dec 15 '16 03:12 jacobunderlinebenseal

I have the same problem: Invalid MEX-file 'C:\Users\Public\faster_rcnn-master\external\caffe\matlab\caffe_faster_rcnn\caffe_.mexw64': The specified

The simplest way to solve this problem is to check your environment variables. Check the cuda version in your "Path" have to be v-6.5. After I change my cuda version in "Path" from 7.5 to 6.5, the problem is solved and I can run the demo. Hope this can help, thank you!

sallymmx avatar Feb 15 '17 08:02 sallymmx

I have the same problem. I am using VS2013 and Cuda 8 in window 10. the error is like - fast_rcnn startup done GPU 1: free memory 7087721676 Use GPU 1 Invalid MEX-file 'D:\PALLAVI\faster_rcnn-master\faster_rcnn-master\external\caffe\matlab\caffe_faster_rcnn\caffe_.mexw64': Missing dependent shared libraries: 'cublas64_65.dll' required by 'D:\PALLAVI\faster_rcnn-master\faster_rcnn-master\external\caffe\matlab\caffe_faster_rcnn\caffe_.mexw64' 'curand64_65.dll' required by 'D:\PALLAVI\faster_rcnn-master\faster_rcnn-master\external\caffe\matlab\caffe_faster_rcnn\caffe_.mexw64'.

Error in caffe.set_device (line 9) caffe_('set_device', device_id);

Error in active_caffe_mex (line 26) caffe.set_device(gpu_id-1);

Error in script_faster_rcnn_demo (line 10) active_caffe_mex(opts.gpu_id, opts.caffe_version);

Can anyone please help me?

pallavimitra avatar Jun 22 '17 17:06 pallavimitra

Apparently, we almost have the same problem

Robin970822 avatar Sep 27 '17 12:09 Robin970822

I know this is an old thread, but I faced the same problem.
The problem is that MATLAB cannot find the dlls needed by caffe_.mexw64.

The solution is the add the folder with the necessary DLLs to the PATH environment variable; other solutions might also possible. For me, I created a startup.m inside C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\MATLAB\startup.m and inside that file I put setenv('PATH', [getenv('PATH') 'C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\MATLAB+caffe\private']); because all my dlls, including cudann, opencv, ... etc. are inside the private folder.

Hope this helps.

aous72 avatar Sep 19 '18 10:09 aous72

@mindcont can you send me the link of caffe you installed

saudpp avatar Mar 05 '19 08:03 saudpp