faster_rcnn copied to clipboard
caffe_.mexw64: Invalid MEX-file Windows
i followed the instruction of to create my mex-File( win8.1, matlab 2014a , vs2013, cuda 7.5) but when i tried to test the faster-rcnn demo i had this problem
GPU 1: free memory 2059571200 Use GPU 1 Invalid MEX-file 'C:\Users\Public\faster_rcnn-master\external\caffe\matlab\caffe_faster_rcnn\caffe_.mexw64': The specified module could not be found.
Error in caffe.set_device (line 9) caffe_('set_device', device_id);
Error in active_caffe_mex (line 26) caffe.set_device(gpu_id-1);
Error in script_faster_rcnn_demo (line 10) active_caffe_mex(opts.gpu_id, opts.caffe_version);
Maybe you should Run fetch_data/fetch_caffe_mex_windows_vs2013_cuda65.m to download a compiled Caffe mex (for Windows only).
i traied to use it but the same prob :( (i have cuda7.5 so i have to use my own mex file like in the )
Did you find the way solution to use Cuda 7.5? By the way I have same settings and same problems. However change the Cuda version to 6.5 able to run the demo.
this problem was caused by the gpu (less than titan ) and some missing dll so the demo run fine on cpu and i am trying to test it with such gpu
i'm also cuda7.5,is any success in cuda7.5?thankyou
hi, yes it works in cuda 7.5 :)
@ShaoqingRen , @YingjieYin @PhDStudentC I got the same problem. I use cuda 7.0 and compile the caffe_.mexw64 successfully. When I use dependence walker to check what are missed, even there is libmx,libmex(from matlab), and cudart65_64.dll missing (include some other more). But I didn't use cuda 6.5 at all and I couldn't find any environment using cuda 6.5. I don't have installed cuda 6.5 in my computer. If such dlls missing, why can I build it successully?
@PhDStudentC hi,can you send me the mex file which is compile on vs2013, cuda 7.5. Thank you! My email is [email protected]
Hi everyone,I use Cuda 7.5,Feforce GT730. The caffe_.mexw64 works fine.
Hi. I'm currently trying to run the code according with the instruction but i got the same error and i don't know how to solve this since i am new in GPU programming. I am using Windows 8.1 with Matlab R2015a, VS2013 and CUDA7.5 on GeforceGTX950M. Is there anyway to fix this problem?Please share if there is any. Thank you in advance!
hi @shiorioxy did you get the mex file?i would like to have it if you got it since we encountered the same problem. Thank you.
hi @PhDStudentC @ckmufeng I use Window 10 、Matlab R2016a, vs2013, detail like this,
环境 | 版本 |
Window 10 | Version 10.0.10240 |
Matlab | R2016a |
Visual Studio 2013 [Ultimate] | Update 5 |
NVIDIA CUDA | 7.5.18_WIN10 |
OpenCV | 2.4.9 |
Boost | 1.61.0 |
显卡(GPU Card) | NVIDIA Quadro K2200 |
Fllow the step Caffe for Faster R-CNN,I have successfully compiled caffe_.mexa64 ,and Copy all files in .\x64\Release_Mex to faster_rcnn-master\external\caffe\matlab\caffe_faster_rcnn,
than I also got the error like this :
GPU 1: free memory 2059571200
Use GPU 1
Invalid MEX-file 'C:\Users\Public\faster_rcnn-master\external\caffe\matlab\caffe_faster_rcnn\caffe_.mexw64': The specified
module could not be found.
Error in caffe.set_device (line 9)
caffe_('set_device', device_id);
Error in active_caffe_mex (line 26)
Error in script_faster_rcnn_demo (line 10)
active_caffe_mex(opts.gpu_id, opts.caffe_version);
Can you tell me how you solved it?
very thankful !!!
I have tried on Ubuntu 14.04 to run the fatser_rcnn in CPU MODE and it works for me . So I suggest that when you meet this kind of question can try this method first ,all you need to do is
1 . Edit and compile caffe in $FRCN_ROOT/external/caffe/Makefile.config
# cuDNN acceleration switch (uncomment to build with cuDNN).
# USE_CUDNN := 1
# CPU-only switch (uncomment to build without GPU support).
and complie by
make -j 4
make matcaffe
2 . Switch to CPU mode by edit $FRCN_ROOT/experiments/script_faster_rcnn_demo.m
%% -------------------- CONFIG --------------------
opts.caffe_version = 'caffe_faster_rcnn';
% opts.gpu_id = auto_select_gpu;
% active_caffe_mex(opts.gpu_id, opts.caffe_version);
opts.per_nms_topN = 6000;
opts.nms_overlap_thres = 0.7;
opts.after_nms_topN = 300;
opts.use_gpu = false;
opts.test_scales = 600;
%% -------------------- INIT_MODEL --------------------
%model_dir = fullfile(pwd, 'output', 'faster_rcnn_final', 'faster_rcnn_VOC0712_vgg_16layers'); %% VGG-16
model_dir = fullfile(pwd, 'output', 'faster_rcnn_final', 'faster_rcnn_VOC0712_ZF'); %% ZF
and then in $FRCN_ROOT run 'script_faster_rcnn_demo.m' you will see this
fast_rcnn startup done
001763.jpg (500x375): time 2.220s (resize+conv+proposal: 1.790s, nms+regionwise: 0.429s)
004545.jpg (500x375): time 2.727s (resize+conv+proposal: 1.962s, nms+regionwise: 0.765s)
000542.jpg (500x375): time 2.114s (resize+conv+proposal: 1.820s, nms+regionwise: 0.294s)
000456.jpg (500x375): time 2.461s (resize+conv+proposal: 1.822s, nms+regionwise: 0.639s)
001150.jpg (500x375): time 2.292s (resize+conv+proposal: 1.811s, nms+regionwise: 0.481s)
mean time: 2.363s
Cleared 0 solvers and 2 stand-alone nets
there is a cuda7.5 version in the rfcn github, i download it and set tu cpu mode and it works...
I have the same problem: Invalid MEX-file 'C:\Users\Public\faster_rcnn-master\external\caffe\matlab\caffe_faster_rcnn\caffe_.mexw64': The specified
The simplest way to solve this problem is to check your environment variables. Check the cuda version in your "Path" have to be v-6.5. After I change my cuda version in "Path" from 7.5 to 6.5, the problem is solved and I can run the demo. Hope this can help, thank you!
I have the same problem. I am using VS2013 and Cuda 8 in window 10. the error is like - fast_rcnn startup done GPU 1: free memory 7087721676 Use GPU 1 Invalid MEX-file 'D:\PALLAVI\faster_rcnn-master\faster_rcnn-master\external\caffe\matlab\caffe_faster_rcnn\caffe_.mexw64': Missing dependent shared libraries: 'cublas64_65.dll' required by 'D:\PALLAVI\faster_rcnn-master\faster_rcnn-master\external\caffe\matlab\caffe_faster_rcnn\caffe_.mexw64' 'curand64_65.dll' required by 'D:\PALLAVI\faster_rcnn-master\faster_rcnn-master\external\caffe\matlab\caffe_faster_rcnn\caffe_.mexw64'.
Error in caffe.set_device (line 9) caffe_('set_device', device_id);
Error in active_caffe_mex (line 26) caffe.set_device(gpu_id-1);
Error in script_faster_rcnn_demo (line 10) active_caffe_mex(opts.gpu_id, opts.caffe_version);
Can anyone please help me?
Apparently, we almost have the same problem
I know this is an old thread, but I faced the same problem.
The problem is that MATLAB cannot find the dlls needed by caffe_.mexw64.
The solution is the add the folder with the necessary DLLs to the PATH environment variable; other solutions might also possible. For me, I created a startup.m inside C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\MATLAB\startup.m and inside that file I put setenv('PATH', [getenv('PATH') 'C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\MATLAB+caffe\private']); because all my dlls, including cudann, opencv, ... etc. are inside the private folder.
Hope this helps.
@mindcont can you send me the link of caffe you installed