faster_rcnn copied to clipboard
I am trying to retrain ZF or VGG model using only two categories from VOC2007 (dog and cat). I have cleaned Annotations and ImageSets directories from other categories and left only necessary images in JPEGImages directory. I have changed outputs of layers in particular .prototxt files from 84 = 4(20 categories + 1 background) to 12 = 4*(2 categories + 1 background).
The first step of training (Train RPN with conv layers tuned; compute RPN results on the train/test sets) is performed without any problems. However when the second step starts training fails with error in Check failed: status == CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS (13 vs. 0) CUBLAS_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED. I have found out that the problem is caused in either caffe_gpu_axpy() or caffe_gpu_scal() only when parameter N has larger value. I tried to decrease values of fast rcnn settings in fast_rcnn_config.m, but the same error still persists.
Any idea what am I doing wrong? :)
I am using Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS, Matlab R2012a and Tesla K40m.
Besides 84 = 4(20 categories + 1 background) to 12 = 4*(2 categories + 1 background)
, the final layer 's output dim should modified from 84->12, 21 -> 3 for regression and classification.
Please make sure you can pass check_gpu_memory() in Line89, fast_rcnn_train.
If no problem with check_gpu_memory(), this means your prototxt is correct.
Then please make sure the class id in imdb/roidb is only with 1 or 2, if you are using two classes.
F1030 16:15:43.990840 1937] Check failed: status == CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS (13 vs. 0) CUBLAS_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED
The above error will occur when installing CUDA9.0 By installing patchesPatch 2 (Released Mar 5, 2018)solve