CycleGAN-keras copied to clipboard
identity loss is not correct
I found in, you are using opt.idloss as the loss weight of identity loss
if opt.idloss > 0:
G_trainner = Model([real_A, real_B],
[dis_fake_B, dis_fake_A, rec_A, rec_B, fake_B, fake_A])
G_trainner.compile(Adam(, beta_1=opt.beta1,),
loss=['MSE', 'MSE', 'MAE', 'MAE', 'MAE', 'MAE'],
loss_weights=[1, 1, opt.lmbd, opt.lmbd, opt.idloss ,opt.idloss])
but, in the original pytorch version, they are using
if lambda_idt > 0:
# G_A should be identity if real_B is fed.
idt_A = self.netG_A(self.real_B)
loss_idt_A = self.criterionIdt(idt_A, self.real_B) * lambda_B * lambda_idt # loss part?
So I think the weight of identity loss should be opt.idloss*opt.lmbd
I implemented the code based on the paper. The only hyper-parameter in the Equ.3 is lambda. Feel free to change the code to include more tricks from the official repository.