ng-material-multilevel-menu copied to clipboard
Even selected Items don't change state
Hi! I have an angular 11 application with latest ng-material-multilevel-menu v 5.5.3. I have a strange issue with my menu.
If I select any odd item, I obtain the expected behavior: the router navigates the link and the item switches to selected state (blue color). If I select an even item the link is navigated but the item doesn't switch to selected state.
Here is menu data structure inside the component:
appitems = [
label: 'Home',
link: '/home',
icon: 'home',
hidden: false
label: 'Menu 1',
icon: 'language',
hidden: false,
items: [
label: 'Item 1',
link: '/page1',
icon: 'language',
hidden: false
label: 'Item 2',
link: '/page2',
icon: 'business',
hidden: false
label: 'Item 3',
link: '/page3',
icon: 'store',
hidden: false
label: 'Item 4',
link: '/page4',
icon: 'ballot',
hidden: false
label: 'Item 5',
link: '/page5',
icon: 'widgets',
hidden: false
config = {
paddingAtStart: true,
interfaceWithRoute: true,
classname: 'side-nav-menu',
highlightOnSelect: true,
collapseOnSelect: true,
rtlLayout: false
This is the template snipped:
<ng-material-multilevel-menu [items]='appitems'
Any idea about the solution of this problem would be much appreciated! Thank you!
Max & Tonic
Good news! I found the issue: switching the config param "interfaceWithRoute" to false, the menu started working as expected. Unfortunately I don't know the reason... :(
Hi @packe100 Can you please share the small repo so that I can see & work on it.
Hi @packe100 Can you please share the small repo so that I can see & work on it.
Thanks @ShankyTiwari for your help. At the moment I have only the full private repo on bitbucket. I should fork a little one on github..
switching the config param "interfaceWithRoute" to false, the menu started working
verified and its true
selectedListItem(event: MultilevelNode): void { this.nodeExpandCollapseStatus = ExpandCollapseStatusEnum.neutral; if(!event.hasChildren) { this.currentNode = event; } if (!CommonUtils.isNullOrUndefined(event.dontEmit) && event.dontEmit) { return; } if (event.items === undefined && (!event.onSelected || typeof event.onSelected !== 'function') ) { this.selectedItem.emit(event); } else { this.selectedLabel.emit(event); } }