[232629]( Per your log you got WebDriverException error but findElement [will return “No Such Element Exception”]( on timeout. Looks like some issue with your code (maybe the session is incorrect)...
[Possible fixes](
@kevin306 What Hosted Agent specification are you using? It is working for me on Hosted Agent 2019, but for tasks configured via UI. Do you have the same issue if...
@kevin306 Per documentation WInAppDriver should be installed and works on Hosted Agent Try post ticket to Microsoft, I suppose this is an issue with your agent.
> I followed the steps but I'm still having an issue. I see the WinAppDriver task open but it is running in the background. When I run the pipeline after...
@a-einstein Could you provide a code example and error that you got from the test? Maybe the test cannot create the session during starting of the app.
[Livin54]( Sometimes session may not create from first time try to use try cache and attach to running app if created session was failed from first time Could you...
> In the try block that is in the sample code you sent, is the 'StickNotesAppId' the path to the .exe? > `appCapabilities.SetCapability("app", StickyNotesAppId);` It is a windows app Id...
[LisaAga]( Why do you need to work with this page? It is not a good solution to work with it via UI, you can change the value via registry.
[LisaAga]( Enable [Developer Mode]( in Windows settings (configure via UI or use command bellow): `reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModelUnlock" /t REG_DWORD /f /v "AllowDevelopmentWithoutDevLicense" /d "1"` [Ho to modifying the registry key...