pytorch_RFCN copied to clipboard
Has anyone tested this net? Does it actually work?
I have tried to train it, but got just noise as the output. Has anyone managed to train it?
What is your mAP? I also have tried to train it but result in a very low accuracy.
mAP is almost zero. I have tried to debug and it appears that bbox regressor doesn't work at all. I think that PSRoIPooling might not be implemented correctly here.
Hi, I find that this code has a serious bug in at 212 and 213, I think it should be self.rfcn_bbox = Conv2d(1024,778, 1,1, bn=False) self.rfcn_score = Conv2d(1024, 77self.n_classes,1,1,bn=False), do you change here? If you do that, can it work well?
Hi, I find that this code has a serious bug in at 212 and 213, I think it should be self.rfcn_bbox = Conv2d(1024,778, 1,1, bn=False) self.rfcn_score = Conv2d(1024, 77self.n_classes,1,1,bn=False), do you change here? If you do that, can it work well?@Rizhiy
@noUmbrella after your solved this bug, do you work well? what is your mAP?
I test the mAP is very small, about 0.25. I found that, the classify is right and the regression is not work@RichardMrLu
I have the same experience as @noUmbrella, classification works fine, but bbox regression is very bad.
Hi, do you find the bug? Does the Position Pooling Layer exists problem? @Rizhiy
Hi, do you find the bug? Does the Position Pooling Layer exists problem? @RichardMrLu
@noUmbrella = = sorry, I didn't run the code.
I have changed self.rfcn_bbox and self.rfcn_score ,but when i trained the network,bbox regression can not converge.Does anybody can help?
@jjprincess For me, it also either doesn't converge or converges poorly and I get very low mAP.
@Rizhiy There may be some wrong with the code,I has changed the frame “mxnet”,I got right results. Here is the link""
@jjprincess Yes, I'm already using that version, but I like PyTorch more than MXNet.
I use VOC2007 so I change the imdb_name='voc_2007_trainval' in in line36. when i debug, I find that in line 49, self._classes had been rewrite, so I comment that line and then change line 212 self.rfcn_score = Conv2d(1024,7721, 1,1, bn=False) in file @noUmbrella
look at this repo
This repo stop updating for more than one year. If someone still interesting in pytorch R-FCN, pls look at another pytorch implement - princewang1994/R-FCN.pytorch, thanks~