open-ear copied to clipboard
Chord from a previous exercise keeps playing during following exercises.
I'm using Open Ear 1.2.6, downloaded from F-Droid, on Android 9.
I was practicing Triad Inversions, having them repeat a few times with the Repeat button until I got it.
At some point, the chord from one exercise started playing at the same time as the chords from the following exercise, so I'd get this jumbled mess of a chord.
E.g. Exercise 4 was a C major chord, root position. The bug starts. Exercise 5 is a D major 1st Inversion. For some reason, Open Ear plays the chord from Exercise 4 at the same time as it plays the chord from Exercise 5. So I'd actually hear a 6 note chord: do, mi, fa#, sol, la, re / C E F# G A D.
The C major chord, root position from Exercise 4 keeps sounding at the same time as the chords from exercise 6, 7, 8, 9, etc. It goes on until I restart the program.
If I switched to, say, Common Progressions, I'd still hear the C major chord, root position (from the Triad Inversions practice) play over (or under) the progression being used in Common Progressions Exercice 1.
The bug can start in any practice type (whether it's Common Progressions, Triad Inversions, Chord Progressions In Real Songs). At some point, an exercise just starts repeating over and over, playing simultaneously with the newer exercises.
At least they don't seem to be piling up. If the bug starts after Exercise 4, it doesn't do:
5+4 6+5+4 7+6+5+4 8+7+6+5+4 ...
It does:
5+4 6+4 7+4 8+4 ...
Then again, once the bug starts, I don't use the program to long after that anymore. So maybe pileups can happen. I haven't tested this.
You CAN use the program after the bug, but it's much more difficult, as you have to pick out the buggy, repeating chord, and try to figure out what's "new".
(As an aside, there doesn't seem to be an easy, straight forward way to restart/shut down the program.)
Hey, F-droid version is out of date. Can you download the latest version from google play (1.5.11) and see if this reproduces?
(As an aside, there doesn't seem to be an easy, straight forward way to restart/shut down the program.)
You can just close it and open it again...
Ah, yeah, 1.2.6 is the latest on F-Droid. So far the bug hasn't occurred on 1.5.11.
You can just close it and open it again...
Well, with most programs I use the back button, but it doesn't work on the main screen of Open Ear. It just stays there.
If I press the home button and come back to Open Ear, the program is still in the same state it was before. I have to wait for an indeterminate amount of time after pressing the home button for it to really shut down.
Oh well, at this point, it makes no matter, because I only wanted to restart quickly so the bug would go away.
Thanks a bunch, it's a great program.