Mikhail Mirzoyan

Results 21 comments of Mikhail Mirzoyan

@wookayin is your suggestion supposed to work? `:CocCommand explorer %:p:h` Trying to use it but it gives me an error `[coc.nvim] Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir '%:p:h'`...

`let g:indentLine_faster = 1` doesn't make any difference for me i have 500 lines file which is lagging a lot on scroll in the places like this ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10584167/92439290-24b7cd00-f1c8-11ea-91d1-bf837e786caa.png)

that would be nice, but i was thinking about at least autosaving the current session on exiting vim

+1, having the same problem and disabling _vim-javascript_ "fixes" it

doesn't work for my also anymore :( maybe it has something to do with this update? https://shapeshed.com/custom-vim-bindings-in-tmux-2-4/

@bruno I have tmux version 2.5 and your plugin stopped working exactly after I updated it. Also I use the oh-my-tmux config [which you can find here](https://github.com/gpakosz/.tmux). Interesting that it...

@szero no I don't use copycat plugin here are my configs: [base](https://github.com/Seybo/dotfiles/blob/master/.tmux/.tmux.conf) [changes and additional stuff](https://github.com/Seybo/dotfiles/blob/master/.tmux.conf.local)

@Szero nope. I've already tried to comment all this block and it doesn't work either. But i've checked you suggestion now and no, no changes

@Szero no changes as well. I was experimenting with these two just because of this problem. So I don't need them. Thanks for pointing out on them :)