vim-replant icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vim-replant copied to clipboard

A bag of goodies for working with a Clojure REPL

= replant.vim: Regrowing again Dominic Monroe [email protected] :experimental:

// I'm trying one sentence per-line here.

[quote,,Online Etymology Dictionary and Oxford Dictionary]

replant (v.) 1570s, from re- "back, again" + plant (v.).

Plant (a tree or plant that has been dug up) again, especially when transferring it to a larger pot or new site.

This plugin is an attempt to extend the current Clojure/vim ecosystem. It works with fireplace to add and augment features. In the future it may replace fireplace, or also use other backends.

link:[clojure-emacs] have done amazing work to ensure CIDER is usable by other editors. I wish to have more features in vim, and I'm willing to accept coupling to more nrepl middleware for it. I'm a Neovim user, so would like to take advantage of new APIs to make developing vim plugins easier or with more features.


Replant is in pre-pre-alpha stages. I am using it, working full-time on Clojure. But there may be bugs from time to time, which I will personally solve with a potentially uncommittable solution. That will leave you with you with a broken plant.

== Contributing

All input is welcome! Feel free to open issues for questions & feature requests. I am available on link:[Clojurians Slack] in either #vim or as dominicm.

== Install

Currentlyfootnote:[One day I'd like to do this in lua or with a cross-platform Go binary, but not today], this plugin depends on link:[python-client], so install that first.

.vim-plug [source,vim]

Plug 'SevereOverfl0w/vim-replant', { 'do': ':UpdateRemotePlugins' } Plug 'tpope/vim-fireplace'

Then add the following projects as middleware to your project.

  • link:[CIDER-nrepl]
  • link:[refactor-nrepl]

== Features

  • [ ] Enhanced Docs ** [ ] Colourful echo'd output on K ** [ ] Open document with shortcuts to close, works with keywordprg
  • [*] Refresh based on cider's built-in refresh
  • [ ] Find symbol ** [*] Basic quickfix command ** [ ] Keybinding ** [ ] fzf integration ** [ ] Denite integration ** [ ] Async quickfix
  • [*] Hotload dependencies
  • [*] Auto-insertion of (ns) for new files.
  • [*] List resources (classpath files which aren't source code), and jump to their real location
  • [*] Test runner
  • [] Realtime apropos ** [] for fzf ** [ ] for Denite

=== Refresh

<localleader>rf will perform a tools.namespace refresh, and <localleader>ra will perform a tools.namespace refresh-all. It searches for your stop/start functions in various namespaces automatically. If your stop/start functions are unique, you may set g:replant_refresh_before_hook and g:replant_refresh_after_hook to a symbol referring to your start/stop functions. Let me know if you have a common stop/start function or namespace which my detection missed.

=== Find symbol

The command :ReplantFindSymbol will find references to the symbol under the cursor. They quickfix window will open automatically after this, if there are any matches found.

=== Dependency hotloading

:ReplantHotloadDependency aero 1.1.2 will hotload a named dependency into the current JVM.

<range>:ReplantHotloadDependency will hotload a dependency in leiningen coordinate style into the current JVM. Intended for use with vim-sexp like vaf:ReplantHotloadDependency when on the coordinate.

=== List resources

You can list resources with :ReplantListResources. This will open a quickfix buffer with the real location set, and the relative classpath location as the description. Resources, as defined by cider-nrepl, are all files on the classpath excluding source files & META-INF.

=== Test Runner

You can run project tests with :ReplantTestProject, which takes these arguments:

+selector:: Include tests with the metadata "selector" on them. -selector:: Exclude tests with the metadata "selector" on them. -load:: Automatically load project namespaces if they are unloaded (default) -no-load:: Do not automatically load project namespaces

Inclusions & exclusions work exactly as link:[cognitect-labs/test-runner] link:[inclusions & exclusions]. They are repeatable a number of times like so: :ReplantTestProject +integration +unit -member -regression.

You can conveniently run tests with <localleader>rtp too.

It is also possible to rerun only previously failed tests using ReplantRetestProject, which takes no arguments:

Sometimes tests throw an exception, you can use the full power of the tagged stacktrace explorer with tests. A command will be conveniently provided to you in the form :ReplantTestStacktrace ns var nr. You must switch to a clojure buffer to run this. It will fetch the stacktrace information, and load it into the quickfix window.

== Realtime Apropos (Var Search)

:ReplantApropos can be used to load up fzf with all vars. The standard, kbd:[Ctrl+X], kbd:[Ctrl+V], and kbd:[Ctrl+T] work in the fzf buffer. In addition, kbd:[Ctrl+I] will bring up a buffer containing doc information about the symbol.

NOTE: Special symbols, recognizable by their lack of namespace, do not have a source to jump to.

WARNING: The doc information is not well tested, and is highly subject to change.

== Developing

I use link:[urn] to generate lua files from lisp. This is fun. Don't doubt me.

.Generate lua files for release [source]

$ make URNPATH=/home/dominic/src/