Dominic Monroe

Results 171 comments of Dominic Monroe

Example above doesn't make much sense. The DB connection would just have migrations run as part of `:post-start`. If something was conditional (e.g. on quartz) it wouldn't be duplicate as...

``` {:components {:a (io/resource "public") :figwheel (run-the-build)}}} ``` This won't work on first run as `:a` depends on the _side effects_ caused by `:figwheel`, but doesn't depend on it's value.

*specifically from the CIDER REPL.

Ref which is the related issue for this upstream.

I don't think I would create an alias in the default deps.edn, but a `bin` script for checking outdated deps would be useful. I'm not sure how to do the...

Options: - aero/tags.edn (maybe even part of aero's own api?) - edge/system/preloads.edn for preloading ns requires - just modify edge.system - attempt to require a namespace like edge/system/readers.clj (this doesn't...

This can be solved in dev easier than in production. Dev can have a require added, but edge.main cannot. Using edge.main is advantageous due to its current logging integration, and...

something I hadn't considered is auto-requiring, e.g. `` would auto-require ``. This would require performing a first-pass over the config.edn and not performing a real read, but this should be...

This seems like a confusing feature. What's the use case?

Would a shared secrets.edn work for your just case? Both config.edn and aws.edn would include it?