For empty array [], it returns []. case ```ts Expect ``` answer ```ts type Pop = T extends [...infer Rest, infer _] ? Rest : [] ```
I fixed config.yaml and solved. And have to restart sinopia. Add `"proxy: npmjs"` in `packages: '@*/*':` ``` packages: '@*/*': # scoped packages access: $all publish: $authenticated proxy: npmjs
`pwa.iconPaths` only modifies the link and meta tags in the head. ```js iconPaths: { favicon32: `img/${iconsDir}/favicon-32x32.png`, favicon16: `img/${iconsDir}/favicon-16x16.png`, appleTouchIcon: `img/${iconsDir}/apple-touch-icon-152x152.png`, maskIcon: `img/${iconsDir}/safari-pinned-tab.png`, msTileImage: `img/${iconsDir}/msapplication-icon-144x144.png` }, ``` But, `pwa.manifestOptions.icons` must...
I have the same issues as @scottnc27603 and @FuruholmAnton .
```ts type Concat = [...T, ...U] ```