xrdm copied to clipboard
X Resouce Database Manager
X Resource Database Manager, a small yet powerful command-line tool that allow users to instantly change/set X Resource Database.
Comment and uncomment colorscheme from your ~/.Xresources is not fun at all. Having hundreds of lines of commented colorscheme is not fun at all either.
Xrdm allows you to have beautifully organized list of colorschemes, settings, and fonts.
Xrdm also allows you to easily change/list/edit the segmented configurations.
From now on, you would not need to comment/uncomment ~/.Xresouces every time!
Table of Contents
- Table of Contents
- Dependencies
- Script
- Directories
- Environmental Variables
- Auto Completion
- Auto Color Update
- Quick Installation
- Why?
- Usage
- Presets
- Font
- Colorscheme
- xrdb
- Comes with X11-apps package
copy the script to your bin(or any path)
Make some directories to store each files of X Resources. Here's my recommendation:
| |
|Xresource Directory|
| (~/.Xresource.d) |
| |
| +---------+
+--> | fonts |
| +---------+
| +---------+
+--> | colors |
| +---------+
| +---------+
+--> | presets |
| +---------+
| +---------+
+--> |programs |
However, as long as the environmental variables are current, it should work fine. From now on, you will need to store segmented configure files only at each directories depends on their category. These separated directories will allow user to more efficiently manage their many different kinds of options and settings.
Also, backing up the directory to github(or any other services) will allow user to easily migrate one system to one another
Environmental Variables
Here's example for environmental variables for directories above. Again, this could be varied depends on your directory location.
# at ~/.bashrc
export XRDM_DIR=~/.Xresource.d
export XRDM_FONT_DIR=$XRDM_DIR/fonts
export XRDM_COLOR_DIR=$XRDM_DIR/colors
export XRDM_PRESET_DIR=$XRDM_DIR/presets
export XRDM_PROGRAM_DIR=$XRDM_DIR/programs
Auto Completion
Auto completion is one thing that makes xrdm powerful,
# at ~/.bashrc
source xrdm
Unlike some other programs, external auto completion script is not required!
Auto Color Update
Yes, this is the instant color change. like pywal Do you need any more explanation?
It's truned up by default, works with most of X-based Terminal that supports Xterm internal control sequence.
But if you are a wiredo who want this to be turned off, here
# at ~/.bashrc
Quick Installation
# Setting enviromental variables
cat >> ~/.bashrc << "EOF"
# Begin xrdm settings
export XRDM_DIR=~/.Xresource.d
export XRDM_FONT_DIR=$XRDM_DIR/fonts
export XRDM_COLOR_DIR=$XRDM_DIR/colors
export XRDM_PRESET_DIR=$XRDM_DIR/presets
export XRDM_PROGRAM_DIR=$XRDM_DIR/programs
source xrdm
# End xrdm settings
# Creating directories
mkdir $XRDM_DIR
Completed! Start, enlarging your collection of colorscheme, configurations, and fonts!
I bet most of X users have this line in their ~/.xinitrc
xrdb ~/.Xresources
where ~/.Xresouces contains few commented colorschemes and configurations; when you need to change colorscheme, you just have to uncomment the whole colorscheme. How ineffecient. With xrdm, it's just
# at ~/.xinitrc
xrdm preset (your preset)
and if you need to change font/colorscheme/program config just run
$ xrdm {color, font, program} (preconfigure file)
without involving any uncommenting, commenting, tidious jobs.
_ _____ ___ __ ___
| |/_/ _ \/ _ \/ |/ /
_> </ , _/ // / /|_/ /
/_/|_/_/|_/____/_/ /_/
X Resource Database Manager
Usage: xrdm SUBCOMMAND
font - List fonts settings/Apply fonts
color - List colors settings/Apply colors
program - List programs settings/Apply settings
preset - List presets/Apply settings
edit - Edit given settings file
add [Type] - Add new settings of the [Type]
version - print version
help - print help message
Each part of configuration should be segmented and stored based on it's category.
preset is a powerful feature, it's a presetting value of configuration that is much controllable and user-friendly then having whole ~/.Xresource file.
My ~/.Xresouces file:
! seoul256 (dark) theme
*.background: #262626
*.foreground: #d0d0d0
*.color0: #4e4e4e
*.color1: #d68787
*.color2: #5f865f
*.color3: #d8af5f
*.color4: #85add4
*.color5: #d7afaf
*.color6: #87afaf
*.color7: #d0d0d0
*.color8: #626262
*.color9: #d75f87
*.color10: #87af87
*.color11: #ffd787
*.color12: #add4fb
*.color13: #ffafaf
*.color14: #87d7d7
*.color15: #e4e4e4
*.cursorColor: #d0d0d0
*.cursorColor2: #3a3a3a
*.colorBD: #e4e4e4
! ST
st.font: Iosevka Term Slab:size=12
! urxvt
URxvt*scrollBar: false
URxvt*font: xft:DejaVuSansMono Nerd Font Mono:size=14
URxvt*letterSpace: -1
URxvt*internalBorder: 20
! Xterm
xterm*faceName: xft:DejaVu Sans Mono Nerd Font Complete Mono:pixelsize=20
xterm*faceSize: 20
xterm*font: fixed
xterm*utf8: 2
! Demnu
dmenu.selforeground: #d8dee9
dmenu.background: #2e3440
dmenu.selbackground: #bf616a
dmenu.foreground: #d8dee9
! rofi
rofi.terminal: st
rofi.location: 2
rofi.yoffset: 250
rofi.lines: 5
rofi.columns: 4
rofi.font: Noto Sans 14
rofi.bw: 10
rofi.padding: 0
rofi.eh: 1
rofi.separator-style: solid
rofi.hide-scrollbar: true
can be shorten in to with segmented thus controllable files:
color seoul256
font iosevka
program urxvt
program xterm
program dmenu
program rofi
This not only makes make ~/.Xresource looks cleaner, but makes it more easy to tweak and recombinate. Preset files can be configured as colection of xrdm subcommands. One subcommands at a line.
! $XRDM_FONT_DIR/font1
! ST
st.font: font1:size=12
! urxvt
URxvt*font: xft:font1:pixelsize=12
! Xterm
xterm*faceName: xft:font1:pixelsize=12
! $XRDM_COLOR_DIR/color1
! ColorScheme1 Xresources palette
*.foreground: #F8F8F2
*.background: #282A36
*.color0: #000000
*.color8: #4D4D4D