FindWDK copied to clipboard
Added some initial support for free toolchains
That's interesting! Do you build drivers with mingw? Could you provide some info about your use case?
1 The driver I wanted to build was not buildable with mingw or reaktos ddk. 2 But mingw contain some headers for drivers development and some people have claimed that they used mingw for building drivers. 3 though the headers are incomplete. 4 reactos ddk contains more headers too, though they are also incomplete 5 microsoft wdk is incompatible with gcc 6 microsoft wdk may be compatible with clwng if msvc headers are used 7 some effort is needed to make a frankenstein monster from mingw headers, reactos headers, windows sdk, windows ddk workable without msvc headers. See for more info.
I like the idea.
I would personally put the MinGW/ReactOS stuff in a separate file and call include()
, or make them a separate find module altogether
Can we use FindWDK to build WinDivert from source? We were able to build it using MinGW on Windows 10 with the lastest WDK (10.0). However we are facing an issue when starting the service that points to the driver (WinDivert64.sys). I will perform more tests and post back here.
@sfhacker Very nice, please keep us posted!
Mingw, sys, sure? If the google go language can build sys file,that's best for me.
@DiskGetor Can you rephrase your last post in plain English?