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Saving, reading and changing settings from Json file on SPIFFS

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Settings Manager

Intarface for reading, writing and managing settings in JSON format on SPIFFS.


Compile macros

Settings file

 "esp" : {
	"delayTime": 300
 "wlan": {
	"hostName": "hostName of esp",
	"ssid": "network sidd ",
	"password": "network password"
 "mqtt": {
	"clientId": "mqttClientid",
	"server": "",
	"port": "9999",
	"user": "mqttUser",
	"password": "mqttPassword",
	"status": {
		"topic": "topic/for/status"
	"internalTopics" : {
		"settings": "Settings/topic",
		"cmd": "cmd/topic"
 "process": {
	"topic": "other/topic",
	"interval": 1000


For getting value o a key you can call sm.getInt(<path/key>[, defaultValue]) The default value will be returned if the path/key has not been found.

For changing value of a key sm.setInt(<path/key>, <value>) will return SM_SUCCESS if the key has been found and changed; SM_KEY_NOT_FOUND if the key has not been found;

See SettingsManager.h for more information.


Reading/loading settings from file;

#include "SettingsManager.h"

SettingsManager sm; //Initialize

void setup() {
    sm.readSettings("/config.json"); //Loading json from file config.json

void loop(){
    Serial.println("int ledPin: "); 
    Serial.print(sm.getInt("ledPin", 99)); //get the int value from json root
    Serial.println("Test getJsonVariant");
    JsonObject vr = sm.getJsonVariant("mqtt.status");
    if (!vr.isNull()) {
        serializeJsonPretty(vr, Serial);
    } else {
        Serial.println("no variant");

Loading json from a string

#include "SettingsManager.h"

SettingsManager sm; //Initialize

void setup() {
    sm.readSettings("/config.json"); //Loading json from file config.json

void loop(){
    sm.loadJson("{\"testInLoadingJson\":\"this is a string value\",\"Level1\":{\"Level2Key\":12,\"Level2Test\":true,\"Level3\":{\"float\":23.5}}}");
    JsonObject ob = sm.getRoot();
    if (!ob.isNull()) {
        serializeJsonPretty(ob, Serial);
    } else {
        Serial.println("loadSetti: no ob");

Change value of a key

#include "SettingsManager.h"

SettingsManager sm; //Initialize

void setup() {
    sm.readSettings("/config.json"); //Loading json from file config.json

void loop(){
    int res = sm.setString("updateServer", "Other Test");
    sm.setInt("ledPin", 15);