node-red-contrib-heater-controller copied to clipboard
The heater doesn't return to schedule temp after calendar event
condition: 1-user set temp to x 2 - calendar event set heater to y 3 at next room temperature sensor reading (topic.currentTemp) the temperature return to value x
the is locked is undefined but I tried also to set to false: same result
so it is locked then will keep the custom user temp as target. If is not locked then user target temp will be changed by calendar when the new change in calendar is comes up
Hi Sergiu thanks for reply, I made another quick test but still working in that strange mode: 1 - user set temp to x 2 - calendar event set heater to y (the slider still remain at x) 3 - at next room temperature sensor reading (topic.currentTemp) the setpoint return to value x
tell me where I can find some logs to help you (I solved by reset every hour by send a msg.payload={"isLocked":false,"isUserCustom":false}) but not a nice solution
i have the exact same Problem. Look at the video. I customise the temperature to 21° At 09:38 the calender event set the target temp. to 19° - but with the next temperature input it sets back to 21°
Here's my test flow:
[{"id":"617c980e0d753df1","type":"change","z":"e9b7f502.350988","name":"","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"topic","pt":"msg","to":"currentTemp","tot":"str"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":660,"y":2760,"wires":[["1e821a83be97fbe7"]]},{"id":"1e821a83be97fbe7","type":"ui_heater_controller","z":"e9b7f502.350988","name":"TEST","group":"2c5d80a3.76f62","unit":"C","displayMode":"slider","order":4,"width":9,"height":5,"topic":"Thermostat-WZ","title":"TEST","logLength":99,"sliderMinValue":12,"sliderMaxValue":25,"sliderStep":0.1,"threshold":0.1,"calendar":"{\n \"Monday\": {\n \"00:00\": 19,\n \"23:59\": 19\n },\n \"Tuesday\": {\n \"00:00\": 19,\n \"23:59\": 19\n },\n \"Wednesday\": {\n \"00:00\": 19,\n \"23:59\": 19\n },\n \"Thursday\": {\n \"00:00\": 19,\n \"09:38\": 19,\n \"23:59\": 19\n },\n \"Friday\": {\n \"00:00\": 19,\n \"09:30\": 19,\n \"23:59\": 19\n },\n \"Saturday\": {\n \"00:00\": 19,\n \"23:59\": 19\n },\n \"Sunday\": {\n \"00:00\": 19,\n \"23:59\": 19\n }\n}","x":850,"y":2760,"wires":[[],[]],"inputLabels":["currentTemp | userConfig | setCalendar | config | status"],"outputLabels":["Heater status","Info"]},{"id":"3126a57399f1d485","type":"inject","z":"e9b7f502.350988","name":"","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"5","crontab":"","once":true,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"19","payloadType":"num","x":450,"y":2760,"wires":[["617c980e0d753df1"]]},{"id":"2c5d80a3.76f62","type":"ui_group","name":"Steuerung Heizung","tab":"58b5f0d5.f639c","order":4,"disp":true,"width":9,"collapse":false},{"id":"58b5f0d5.f639c","type":"ui_tab","name":"Übersicht","icon":"fa-thermometer-half","order":1}]
Pls help, thats a really bad situation.
same here. Reinstalled my nodered on new machine, updated to newest heater node, and i'm seeing same behavior as described above. If i hit "refresh" or "reload" button (the one with crooked arrow), only then it jumps back to scheduled temp.
Thanks for that issue,
i thought that i made something wrong. But looks like i'm not the only one having that problem. So in my case same problem. Would be nice if anyone finds a solution.
Same behavior here as @sniicker - since updating my system to the latest, I'm seeing the same "change for a few seconds, then revert" behavior.