espmanager copied to clipboard
A wrapper over WiFi, MQTT and OTA for ESP8266
A wrapper over Wifi and MQTT.
For details using SettingsManager please see the file.
Compile macro flags
EM_UDP_DEBUG - For sending aditional information via UDP, you configure ip and port in your configuration file under the wlan object;
"debugUDP": {
"enabled": true,
"server": "",
"port": "4321"
- Initialize WiFi;
- Initialize MQTT;
createConnections(<JsonObject wlanConf>, <JsonObject mqttConf>);
- Creates connection on WiFi;
- Creates connection on MQTT;
- Setting lastWill message;
- Subscribe to cmd topic;
void onBeforeWaitingWiFiCon(std::function<void()> func) { this->beforeWaitingWiFiCon = func; };
void onWaitingWiFiCon(std::function<void()> func) { this->waitingWiFiCon = func; };
void onAfterWaitingWiFiCon(std::function<void()> func) { this->afterWaitingWiFiCon = func; };
void onBeforeWaitingMQTTCon(std::function<void()> func) { this->beforeWaitingMQTTCon = func; };
void onWaitingMQTTCon(std::function<void()> func) { this->waitingMQTTCon = func; };
void onAfterWaitingMQTTCon(std::function<void()> func) { this->afterWaitingMQTTCon = func; };
You can add events to be triggered on WiFi Connection or MQTT;
This methods will be executed before starting connection, while waiting for connection or after connection process has finisied; onAfterWaiting
will be executed if the connection has been made or not.
addTimerOutputEventHandler(<const [string] | [const char *] mqttTopic>, <long intervalToSubmit>, <function executeFn>)
Register a function to be executed on a time interval. The result of function executeFn
will be send to mqttTopic
once at intervalToSubmit
- mqttTopic a (string/const char *) with mqtt topic;
- intervalToSubmit time to delay until next trigger;
- executeFn a function which returns the (const char *) that will be sent over MQTT;
executeFn<char *(const char * topic)>
- topic MQTT topic where the return value will be send;
- can return nullptr for canceling submition;
addIncomingEventHandler(<const [string] | [const char *] mqttTopic>, <function onCall>)
Creates a listener on a specific MQTT topic and will execute the onCall
when something has been submitted on mqttTopic
- mqttTopic a (string/const char *) with MQTT topic;
- onCall function to call;
onCall<void(const char * msg)>
addCommand(<const [string] | [const char *] cmd>, <function cmdFunction>)
Register a function for a command; when the command is received the function will will be triggered with the parameters object that is coming with the command;
function<char *(JsonVariant)>
- JsonVariant of configuration recevied as 'params' in command;
sendMsg(<const [string] | [const char *] mqttTopic>, <const [string] | [const char *] msg>)
On calling Sends the msg
on mqttTopic
- mqttTopic a (string/const char *) with MQTT topic;
- msg a (string/const char *) message that will be send;
Configuration example:
"retainMessage": true,
"qos": 0,
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include "ESPManager.h"
#include "SettingsManager.h"
char * readTemp(const char * msg);
SettingsManager conf;
ESPManager man;
void setup() {
//Reading configuration from json file
//Splitting settings in wlanConf and MqttConf
JsonObject wlanConf = conf.getJsonObject("wlan");
JsonObject mqttConf = conf.getJsonObject("mqtt");
//Setting scketch ino verion
//Creating connection to wlan and mqtt
man.createConnections(wlanConf, mqttConf);
//Add listener on IOT/espTest/inc
man.addIncomingEventHandler("IOT/espTest/inc", onCall);
//Adding timout trigger
man.addTimerOutputEventHandler("IOT/espTest/out", 2000, readTemp);
//Send instant message on IOT/espTest/out
man.sendMsg("IOT/espTest/out", "test");
void loop() {
char * readTemp(const char * msg) {
//Allocate memory, will be freed by manager
char * ret = (char *) malloc(25 * sizeof(char));
strcpy(ret, "{temp:39, humidity: 75}");
return ret;
void onCall(const char * msg) {
Commands examples
Getting information
{ "cmd":"getInfo" }
Will return json with following info in topic configurationJSON.mqtt.topics.cmd + '/resp'
"hostName": "nodePlants",
"chipId": 8963427,
"localIP": "",
"macAddress": "68:C6:3A:88:C5:63",
"RSSI": -63, //Signal strength in dBm
"lastRestartReson": "External System",
"flashChipId": 1458208,
"coreVersion": "2.5.2",
"sdkVersion": "2.2.1(cfd48f3)",
"vcc": 2.96, //power in V
"flashChipSpeed": 40, //MHz
"cycleCount": 948668853,
"cpuFreq": 80, //MHz
"freeHeap": 44664, //Bytes
"heapFrag": 1, //Heap fragmentation in %
"maxFreeBlockSize": 44512, //Maximum free space that could be allocated in one block (Bytes)
"flashChipSize": 4194304, //Bytes
"sketchSize": 345888, //Bytes
"freeSketchSpace": 2797568, //Bytes
"flashChipRealSize": 4194304, //Bytes
"espManagerVersion": "1.0.0",
"sketchVersion": "1.0.0",
"sketchMD5": "a4bf983f66d52ce63d1c186c27fdb6ad"
Ask for a reset
{ "cmd":"reset" }
Ask for a reconnect
{ "cmd":"reconnect" }
Update over the air
#include <ArduinoJson.h> #include "ESPManager.h" #include "SettingsManager.h"
char * readTemp(const char * msg); SettingsManager conf; ESPManager man;
void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); //Reading configuration from json file conf.readSettings("/settings.json"); //Splitting settings in wlanConf and MqttConf JsonObject wlanConf = conf.getJsonObject("wlan"); JsonObject mqttConf = conf.getJsonObject("mqtt"); //Setting scketch ino verion man.setSketchVersion("1.0.0"); //Creating connection to wlan and mqtt man.createConnections(wlanConf, mqttConf); //Add listener on IOT/espTest/inc man.addIncomingEventHandler("IOT/espTest/inc", onCall); //Adding timout trigger man.addTimerOutputEventHandler("IOT/espTest/out", 2000, readTemp); //Send instant message on IOT/espTest/out man.sendMsg("IOT/espTest/out", "test"); }
void loop() { man.loopIt(); }
char * readTemp(const char * msg) { //Allocate memory, will be freed by manager char * ret = (char *) malloc(25 * sizeof(char)); strcpy(ret, "{temp:39, humidity: 75}"); return ret; };
void onCall(const char * msg) { Serial.println(msg); };