super_clipboard copied to clipboard
Manage your clipboard history with a beautiful and simple interface
In search of a clipboard manager that is comfortable and I can have instantly next to the mouse to speed up my work and at the same time I can include in my workflow and my environment based on WM's, SuperClipboard was born.
Warning: It can run in gnome, but details like mouse tracking, transparency and window colors don't work quite right, if you would like to work on gnome support you can leave your feedback in this issue to take it into account.
- ArchLinux
# With yay
yay -S super_clipboard
# or with Paru
paru super_clipboard
# or manually
git clone /tmp/super_clipboard && \
cd /tmp/super_clipboard && makepkg -si
- Manually
- Go to release
- Download latest
- Unpack
- Move binary to /usr/bin
- Done
- Clean UI
- Text and Image clipboard
- Big clipboard history
- Follow cursor
- Position based on the display of each screen
- Transparent UI
- Pin/Unpin items of clipboard history
- Generation Random Password
NOTE: The blur it's depends of your compositor
On your startup WM script call binary as another task
bspwm example
superclipboard &
Then, you can show the clipboard with the default shortcut Super + Shift + V
To show Logs you need set SUPER_CLIPBOARD_LOG
env variable, here some examples
NOTE: For more details see docs
# Show only errors
SUPER_CLIPBOARD_LOG=error superclipboard
# Dump to file
SUPER_CLIPBOARD_LOG=info superclipboard >> /tmp/superclipboard_logs.txt
# Show only superclipboard crate logs
SUPER_CLIPBOARD_LOG=off,superclipboard=info superclipboard
# Show only module of superclipboard crate logs
SUPER_CLIPBOARD_LOG=off,superclipboard::ui=trace superclipboard
- [ ] Autopaste when select from history
- [ ] Image from path copied
- [ ] Synchronization between devices on the same network
- [x] pin clipboard items
- [x] Fix keyboard shortcut initial parsing
- [x] Fix performance increase
- [x] Position based on the display of each screen
- [x] Fix Unnautorize remap shortcut
- [x] Fix auto hide and show window
Icons by Icons8