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Add support for Direct2D Compute Shaders

Open rickbrew opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

Filing this for ... the future :)

At some point I'll want to start dipping my toe into compute shaders so I can convert the remaining CPU-based effects in Paint.NET over to the GPU. These effects require the use of compute shaders because they need to build a local histogram.

rickbrew avatar Aug 15 '22 01:08 rickbrew

I have converted my remaining CPU-based effects over to the GPU by using compute shaders. Sadly without ComputeSharp.D2D1! But that means I am eager to port my interpolated strings over to proper CS.D2D1 shader structs, and I have compute shader HLSL code that can be used to validate this effort.

(btw "eager" does not mean "omg I need it now", there's not actually any time pressure here)

rickbrew avatar Mar 02 '24 18:03 rickbrew