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PrintLayout seems wrong layout of ComplexFixedStruct

Open dzmitry-lahoda opened this issue 5 years ago • 0 comments

As in my pull #19, seems ComplexFixedStruct inside VeryVeryComplexStruct has bad layout by TypeLayout.

Standard Output Messages:
 Type layout for 'VeryVeryComplexStruct'
 Size: 136 bytes. Paddings: 36 bytes (%26 of empty space)
 |  0-11: StructWithExplicitLayout one (12 bytes)      |
 | |================================|                  |
 | |     0: Byte m_byte1 (1 byte)   |                  |
 | |--------------------------------|                  |
 | |     0: Byte m_byte1_1 (1 byte) |                  |
 | |--------------------------------|                  |
 | |     1: Byte m_byte2 (1 byte)   |                  |
 | |--------------------------------|                  |
 | |   2-3: Int16 m_short (2 bytes) |                  |
 | |--------------------------------|                  |
 | |   4-5: padding (2 bytes)       |                  |
 | |--------------------------------|                  |
 | |   6-9: Int32 m_int (4 bytes)   |                  |
 | |--------------------------------|                  |
 | | 10-11: padding (2 bytes)       |                  |
 | |================================|                  |
 | 12-15: padding (4 bytes)                            |
 | 16-39: DoubleByteStructByteStruct two (24 bytes)    |
 | |========================================|          |
 | |  0-15: DoubleByteStruct one (16 bytes) |          |
 | | |=============================|        |          |
 | | |   0-7: Double one (8 bytes) |        |          |
 | | |-----------------------------|        |          |
 | | |     8: Byte two (1 byte)    |        |          |
 | | |-----------------------------|        |          |
 | | |  9-15: padding (7 bytes)    |        |          |
 | | |=============================|        |          |
 | |----------------------------------------|          |
 | |    16: Byte two (1 byte)               |          |
 | |----------------------------------------|          |
 | | 17-23: padding (7 bytes)               |          |
 | |========================================|          |
 | 40-99: ComplexFixedStruct three (60 bytes)          |
 | |=================================================| |
 | |  0-25: <_bytes>e__FixedBuffer _bytes (26 bytes) | |
 | | |==========================================|    | |
 | | |   0-1: Int16 FixedElementField (2 bytes) |    | |
 | | |------------------------------------------|    | |
 | | |  2-25: padding (24 bytes)                |    | |
 | | |==========================================|    | |
 | |-------------------------------------------------| |
 | | 26-58: FixedBytes fb (33 bytes)                 | |
 | |-------------------------------------------------| |
 | |    59: Boolean three (1 byte)                   | |
 | |=================================================| |
 | 100-103: padding (4 bytes)                          |
 | 104-127: ComplexStruct four (24 bytes)              |
 | |=========================================|         |
 | |  0-15: DoubleFloatStruct one (16 bytes) |         |
 | | |=============================|         |         |
 | | |   0-7: Double one (8 bytes) |         |         |
 | | |-----------------------------|         |         |
 | | |  8-11: Single two (4 bytes) |         |         |
 | | |-----------------------------|         |         |
 | | | 12-15: padding (4 bytes)    |         |         |
 | | |=============================|         |         |
 | |-----------------------------------------|         |
 | | 16-23: EnumIntStruct two (8 bytes)      |         |
 | | |==============================|        |         |
 | | |     0: ByteEnum one (1 byte) |        |         |
 | | |------------------------------|        |         |
 | | |   1-3: padding (3 bytes)     |        |         |
 | | |------------------------------|        |         |
 | | |   4-7: Int32 two (4 bytes)   |        |         |
 | | |==============================|        |         |
 | |=========================================|         |
 | 128-132: Nullable`1 theNullable (5 bytes)           |
 | 133-135: padding (3 bytes)                          |

dzmitry-lahoda avatar Mar 17 '19 09:03 dzmitry-lahoda