So I had downloaded wealthfolio and ran it using bun install instead of the usual pnpm install and it seems that this worked first try is said to be...
It seems that this has appimage which is also really nice But I would like it to have flatpak as well I am going to look further to add it...
So Neptune isn't working on archlinux wayland hyprland Basically it only shows the sound when I type when its in focus and otherwise it doesn't produce any sound
Version: deno 2.0.0 (stable, release, x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) (archlinux) v8 typescript 5.6.2 Running `deno compile` on a sveltekit app returns a `Module not found runtime/control.js` error. ## Steps to reproduce 1....
### Description I am interested in creating a fork of but for it to work on hyprland / wayland based compositors I was thinking that I can have a...
I was trying as an experiment to run udocker inside blink No other mode actually works except singularity and it shows this error then , this definitely felt outside...
So I am using zsh when I start shell startup I am using foot terminal & archlinux This is my default shell script ```` PS1='%B%F{red}[%F{yellow}%n%F{green}@%F{blue}%M %F{magenta}%~%F{red}]%f%b$ ' precmd_functions+=(_lazy_load_plugins) _lazy_load_plugins() {...