You could also take a look at my project under I'm storing incoming messages to a database table (PostgreSQL with TimescaleDB). Specifically, take a look at `NetCoreMQTTExampleCluster.Storage` and don't...
What you can do is to give the message an id (or UUID or something) and let the clients publish a message with the received message id on a certain...
I assume that content type is a [MQTT 5]( property? Well, this is not yet supported. MQTT5 support will be done in Version 3.1.x.
@chkr1011 This is something you need to answer, please.
> @SeppPenner You are right with 3.1x. But this only applies for the server. The MQTT client should support all MQTTv5 features already. If not it is a bug and...
> IE11 Just. Let. It. Die. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
> Hahha mate, I'll be the first in line with the baseball bat to put IE11 out of its misery. But legacy support for legacy software on legacy hardware used...
If you ask me, I would leave the warning as it is and document this in the wiki. You have already tried a lot of things and there doesn't seem...
The problem is that `System.Text.Json` still is not equivalent to `Newtonsoft.Json` (and if you ask me has still childhood problems even with simple types...). Just my opinion, I'm not using...
I remember that there was some guy who did the logo / icon for I have to search a bit, maybe he is available and can help us here....