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Captcha Generator for Telegram bot or another bots

Captcha Generator

About Project

The project is designed for Captcha telegram robot to make it easier to authenticate users.
Of course you can use this project elsewhere and this project is not just for telegram robots.

برای خواندن داکیومنت فارسی اینجا کلیک کنید.


You Can Get Project From pip use this command :

pip install CaptchaGenerator

How To Work?

This library has 7 function for Captcha Generator:

  • 1- CaptchaGenerat
    • Numbergen
    • ValueScaptcha
    • NameExport
    • PathEXport
    • Fonts
    • Colors
    • Backgrounds
  • 2- CaptchaGeneratRandom
    • Numbergen
    • ValueScaptcha
    • Backgrounds
    • Fonts
    • NameExport
    • PathExport
  • 3- CaptchaGeneratorImageRandom (Only Use In Bots)
    • PathFolder
    • NumberRandomSelect
  • 4- CaptchaGeneratorImageDirectionRandom (CaptchaGeneratorIDR) (Only Use In Bots)
    • FolderImagesAddress
  • 5- CaptchaGeneratorAudio (Only Use In Bots)
    • NumberGen
    • ValuesCaptcha
    • NameExport
    • PathExport
  • 6- CaptchaGeneratorMath (Only Use In Bots)
    • Not have argument
  • 7- CaptchaGeneratRandomWord (Only Use In Bots)
    • Backgrounds
    • PathWords
    • Fonts
    • FontSize
    • NameExport
    • PathExport

You can download files requirement resources from here

Example CaptchaGenerat :

from CaptchaGenerator.CaptchaGenerator import Captcha
def main():
    NumberGen = 5
    NameExport = "CaptchaGenerat"  
    ValuesCaptcha = "012356789QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm!@#$%&*"  
    PathExport = r"C:\Path" 
    Fonts = ["fonts/BrunoAce-Regular.ttf" , "fonts/AmaticSC-Bold.ttf"]
    Colors = ["red" , "blue"] 
    Backgrounds = ["C:/Path/Background1.png", "C:/Path/Background2.png", "C:/Path/Background3.png"]
    choiceFromValues = Captcha.CaptchaGenerat(NumberGen=NumberGen, ValuesCaptcha=ValuesCaptcha, NameExport=NameExport, PathExport=PathExport, Fonts=Fonts, Colors=Colors, Backgrounds=Backgrounds)
    print("Generated captcha : " + choiceFromValues)
if __name__ == "__main__":

Example CaptchaGeneratRandom :

from CaptchaGenerator.CaptchaGenerator import Captcha
def main():
    NumberGen = 5
    NameExport = "CaptchaGenerat"  
    ValuesCaptcha = "012356789QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm!@#$%&*"  
    PathExport = r"C:\Path" 
    Fonts = ["fonts/BrunoAce-Regular.ttf" , "fonts/AmaticSC-Bold.ttf"]
    Backgrounds = ["C:/Path/Background1.png", "C:/Path/Background2.png", "C:/Path/Background3.png"]
    correct_answer, variants = Captcha.CaptchaGeneratRandom(NumberGen=NumberGen , ValuesCaptcha=ValuesCaptcha , NumberVariants=5 , Backgrounds=Backgrounds , Fonts=Fonts , NameExport=NameExport , PathExport=PathExport)
    print("correct answer : " , correct_answer)
    print("variants : " , variants)
if __name__ == "__main__":

You can see examples code for pyrogram in Examples folder here

Image CaptchaGenerat in Telegram(Pyrogram) :


Vidoe Test CaptchaGeneratRandom in Telegram(Pyrogram) :

Image CaptchaGeneratorImageRandom in Telegram(Pyrogram) :


Vidoe Test CaptchaGeneratorImageDirectionRandom in Telegram(Pyrogram) :

Vidoe Test CaptchaGeneratorAudio in Telegram(Pyrogram) :

Vidoe Test CaptchaGeneratorMath in Telegram(Pyrogram) :

Vidoe Test CaptchaGeneratRandomWord in Telegram(Pyrogram) :

By Sepehr0Day

update in coming...

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