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The diffenrence between Lane and RoadMarking detection
I have trained the net two times with similar data which has two different type labels .One of the two type is Lane,conclude broken yellow, broken white and so on.Another type is about roadmarking,conclude straight arrow,right arrow and so on.But the test results were so strange.The lane detection result was good,such as pic 1.But the detection of roadmarking was beyond my expectation,almost nothing could be detected,such as pic 2. I want to know why are there such a big difference. Can you explain the reason for me? Thanks a lot @SeokjuLee
pic 1
pic 2
Hello,jingjing! How long does it take for you to run train.sh, I have been running one day and night. It's not over yet. Is it a card? (testcaffe) zbj@apollo-PC3:~/ZGY/testVPGNet/VPGNet/caffe/models/vpgnet-novp$ bash train.sh
Runtime does not prompt any information, but a blank.
@JingjingFeng1 can you add your QQ or WeChat,i am doing something for roadmark too, my QQ and wechat is 283061054,thank you
Hi @zhangguangyuan0001 ,
i am unable to resolve compute mean error.cpp error and protobuf error.
can you please specify your system configuration where you made the code run
@JingjingFeng1 @SeokjuLee @zhangguangyuan0001
I have successfully run make_lmdb.sh. but when I run train.sh , there was something wrong like this:
➜ vpgnet-novp: bash train.sh
train.sh: 行 1: 2389 段错误 (核心已转储) ../../build/tools/caffe train --solver=./solver.prototxt >> ./output/output.log 2>&1
Who can give me some solutions? Thank you very much