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Curated list of awesome software and resources for Senzing, The First Real-Time AI for Entity Resolution.


Curated list of awesome Senzing software and resources. Inspired by other awesome sites.


  1. Senzing's Top Picks
  2. Documentation
  3. Demonstrations
  4. Docker
    1. Dockerfiles
    2. DockerHub
    3. docker-compose
    4. Kubernetes
    5. Helm Charts
  5. Environment
    1. AWS environment
    2. Azure environment
  6. Mapper
  7. Resources
  8. User Interface
  9. Utilities
    1. G2Tools
  10. Under construction
  11. Features and bugs
  12. Other awesome sites

Senzing's Top Picks

Recommended projects from the team at Senzing.

  1. docker-compose-demo - Demonstrate Senzing stack using docker-compose.
  2. entity-search-web-app - A lightweight http server providing a web UI for entity search through the senzing api server.
  3. senzing-api-server - Server of Senzing REST API.
  4. senzinggo - Quickly and easily start the Senzing REST API server, demo web app & Swagger in containers.
  5. stream-loader - Python tool for loading Senzing Engine from RabbitMQ, Kafka, or AWS SQS.
  6. stream-producer - Produce a stream from different input formats.


Documentation on Senzing usage.

  1. Promoted articles - Promoted articles.
  2. Senzing API for Developers - Senzing API for Developers.
  3. Tags used in GitHub - GitHub tags for Senzing artifacts.
  4. community-roadmap - A peek into the future of the Senzing Community.
  5. evaluate - Information for evaluating Senzing at
  6. postgresql-performance - Tweaks to PostgreSQL and the Senzing DDL
  7. rabbitmq-performance - Tweeks to RabbitMQ
  8. video - Videos available at


Step-by-step instructions demonstrating use of Senzing.

  1. aws-cloudformation-ecs - Multiple AWS Cloudformations demonstrating Senzing stack variations.
  2. aws-cloudformation-ecs-poc-simple - Demonstrate Senzing stack using AWS CloudFormation - simplified.
  3. azure-template-aks-poc-simple - An Azure ARM template for bringing up Senzing on Kubernetes (AKS)
  4. docker-app-demo - Demonstrate Senzing stack using docker-app.
  5. docker-compose-demo - Demonstrate Senzing stack using docker-compose.
  6. docker-python-demo - Dockerfile demonstrating simple Flask app using Senzing.
  7. ibm-openshift-guide - Demonstrate Senzing stack using OpenShift and IBM Db2.
  8. kubernetes-demo - Demonstrate Senzing stack using Kubernetes.
  9. openshift-demo - Demonstrate Senzing stack using minishift.
  10. senzinggo - Quickly and easily start the Senzing REST API server, demo web app & Swagger in containers.


Repositories with Dockerfiles.

  1. connector-neo4j - Transform Senzing data into Neo4j graph database.
  2. data-encryption-aes256cbc-sample - This is a sample encryption plugin, for use with the G2 engine to encrypt sensitive data in the data repository.
  3. docker-adminer - Dockerfile wrapping adminer, a database viewer.
  4. docker-apt - Dockerfile wrapping apt-get, a package manager.
  5. docker-aptdownloader - Dockerfile wrapping apt-get install --download-only.
  6. docker-base-image-debian - A base docker image for Senzing processes built on Debian.
  7. docker-compose-air-gapper - Create a TGZ bundle for air-gapped environments based on docker-compose.yaml
  8. docker-db2-driver-installer - Install DB2 client drivers on mounted volumes.
  9. docker-hello-world - Dockerfile for testing docker formations.
  10. docker-ibm-db2 - Dockerfile wrapping ibmcom/db2 docker image.
  11. docker-init-container - Dockerfile used to initialize Senzing artifacts.
  12. docker-installer - Dockerfile use to install Senzing in a non-root container.
  13. docker-jupyter - Dockerfile for running example Senzing Jupyter notebooks.
  14. docker-mysql - Dockerfile wrapping mysql command line interpreter.
  15. docker-mysql-init - Dockerfile for initializing mysql database with a one-time command.
  16. docker-python-demo - Dockerfile demonstrating simple Flask app using Senzing.
  17. docker-senzing-base - Dockerfile used in FROM statements.
  18. docker-senzing-console - Docker-based console enabled for interacting with Senzing programs.
  19. docker-sshd - Dockerfile wrapping sshd.
  20. docker-web-app-demo - Dockerfile combining Senzing API server and Senzing Entity WebApp.
  21. docker-wrap-image-with-senzing-apt - Wrap an existing docker image with the Senzing package.
  22. docker-wrap-image-with-senzing-data - Add /opt/senzing/data to a base image.
  23. docker-xterm - Web-based X-terminal.
  24. docker-yum - Dockerfile wrapping yum, a package manager.
  25. docker-yumdownloader - Dockerfile wrapping yumdownloader.
  26. entity-search-web-app - A lightweight http server providing a web UI for entity search through the senzing api server.
  27. postgresql-client - A psql client that waits for the database to be ready before uploading SQL file.
  28. redoer - Perform Senzing Redo operations.
  29. resolver - Ephemeral Senzing entity-resolution.
  30. risk-score-calculator - Risk scorer.
  31. senzing-api-server - Server of Senzing REST API.
  32. senzing-environment - Create an environment to use Senzing in a project / virtual environment style.
  33. senzing-listener - Listener framework.
  34. senzing-poc-server - Senzing API Server plus management APIs.
  35. stream-loader - Python tool for loading Senzing Engine from RabbitMQ, Kafka, or AWS SQS.
  36. stream-logger - A utility for dumping the contents of a stream to a log.
  37. stream-producer - Produce a stream from different input formats.


Git repositories with Docker images on DockerHub.

  1. data-encryption-aes256cbc-sample - This is a sample encryption plugin, for use with the G2 engine to encrypt sensitive data in the data repository.
  2. docker-adminer - Dockerfile wrapping adminer, a database viewer.
  3. docker-apt - Dockerfile wrapping apt-get, a package manager.
  4. docker-aptdownloader - Dockerfile wrapping apt-get install --download-only.
  5. docker-base-image-debian - A base docker image for Senzing processes built on Debian.
  6. docker-db2-driver-installer - Install DB2 client drivers on mounted volumes.
  7. docker-hello-world - Dockerfile for testing docker formations.
  8. docker-ibm-db2 - Dockerfile wrapping ibmcom/db2 docker image.
  9. docker-init-container - Dockerfile used to initialize Senzing artifacts.
  10. docker-jupyter - Dockerfile for running example Senzing Jupyter notebooks.
  11. docker-python-demo - Dockerfile demonstrating simple Flask app using Senzing.
  12. docker-senzing-base - Dockerfile used in FROM statements.
  13. docker-senzing-console - Docker-based console enabled for interacting with Senzing programs.
  14. docker-sshd - Dockerfile wrapping sshd.
  15. docker-web-app-demo - Dockerfile combining Senzing API server and Senzing Entity WebApp.
  16. docker-xterm - Web-based X-terminal.
  17. docker-yum - Dockerfile wrapping yum, a package manager.
  18. docker-yumdownloader - Dockerfile wrapping yumdownloader.
  19. entity-search-web-app - A lightweight http server providing a web UI for entity search through the senzing api server.
  20. redoer - Perform Senzing Redo operations.
  21. resolver - Ephemeral Senzing entity-resolution.
  22. risk-score-calculator - Risk scorer.
  23. senzing-api-server - Server of Senzing REST API.
  24. senzing-environment - Create an environment to use Senzing in a project / virtual environment style.
  25. senzing-listener - Listener framework.
  26. senzing-poc-server - Senzing API Server plus management APIs.
  27. stream-loader - Python tool for loading Senzing Engine from RabbitMQ, Kafka, or AWS SQS.
  28. stream-logger - A utility for dumping the contents of a stream to a log.
  29. stream-producer - Produce a stream from different input formats.


Docker formations using docker-compose.

  1. docker-compose-air-gapper - Create a TGZ bundle for air-gapped environments based on docker-compose.yaml
  2. docker-compose-demo - Demonstrate Senzing stack using docker-compose.


G2Tools distributed with Senzing API package.

  1. compressedfile - Distributed with Senzing API package
  2. dumpstack - Distributed with Senzing API package
  3. g2audit - Distributed with Senzing API package
  4. g2command - Distributed with Senzing API package
  5. g2configtables - Distributed with Senzing API package
  6. g2configtool - Distributed with Senzing API package
  7. g2createproject - Distributed with Senzing API package
  8. g2database - Distributed with Senzing API package
  9. g2explorer - Distributed with Senzing API package
  10. g2export - Distributed with Senzing API package
  11. g2loader - Distributed with Senzing API package
  12. g2paths - Distributed with Senzing API package
  13. g2project - Distributed with Senzing API package
  14. g2s3 - Distributed with Senzing API package
  15. g2setupconfig - Distributed with Senzing API package
  16. g2snapshot - Distributed with Senzing API package
  17. g2updateproject - Distributed with Senzing API package
  18. senzinggo - Quickly and easily start the Senzing REST API server, demo web app & Swagger in containers.
  19. truth-sets - Distributed with Senzing API package


Step-by-step instructions demonstrating use of Senzing on kubernetes-based systems.

  1. azure-template-aks-poc-simple - An Azure ARM template for bringing up Senzing on Kubernetes (AKS)
  2. charts - Helm Charts for use with Kubernetes, OpenShift, and Rancher.
  3. docker-apt - Dockerfile wrapping apt-get, a package manager.
  4. docker-init-container - Dockerfile used to initialize Senzing artifacts.
  5. docker-installer - Dockerfile use to install Senzing in a non-root container.
  6. docker-senzing-console - Docker-based console enabled for interacting with Senzing programs.
  7. entity-search-web-app - A lightweight http server providing a web UI for entity search through the senzing api server.
  8. kubernetes-demo - Demonstrate Senzing stack using Kubernetes.
  9. postgresql-client - A psql client that waits for the database to be ready before uploading SQL file.
  10. redoer - Perform Senzing Redo operations.
  11. senzing-api-server - Server of Senzing REST API.
  12. stream-loader - Python tool for loading Senzing Engine from RabbitMQ, Kafka, or AWS SQS.
  13. stream-producer - Produce a stream from different input formats.

Helm Charts

Git repositories with Helm Charts for Senzing on kubernetes-based systems.

  1. charts - Helm Charts for use with Kubernetes, OpenShift, and Rancher.
  2. docker-apt - Dockerfile wrapping apt-get, a package manager.
  3. docker-db2-driver-installer - Install DB2 client drivers on mounted volumes.
  4. docker-hello-world - Dockerfile for testing docker formations.
  5. docker-ibm-db2 - Dockerfile wrapping ibmcom/db2 docker image.
  6. docker-init-container - Dockerfile used to initialize Senzing artifacts.
  7. docker-installer - Dockerfile use to install Senzing in a non-root container.
  8. docker-senzing-base - Dockerfile used in FROM statements.
  9. docker-senzing-console - Docker-based console enabled for interacting with Senzing programs.
  10. docker-yum - Dockerfile wrapping yum, a package manager.
  11. entity-search-web-app - A lightweight http server providing a web UI for entity search through the senzing api server.
  12. postgresql-client - A psql client that waits for the database to be ready before uploading SQL file.
  13. redoer - Perform Senzing Redo operations.
  14. resolver - Ephemeral Senzing entity-resolution.
  15. senzing-api-server - Server of Senzing REST API.
  16. senzing-poc-server - Senzing API Server plus management APIs.
  17. stream-loader - Python tool for loading Senzing Engine from RabbitMQ, Kafka, or AWS SQS.
  18. stream-producer - Produce a stream from different input formats.

AWS Environment

Projects specific to Amazon Web Services environment.

  1. aws-cloudformation-database-cluster - AWS Cloudformation with VPC and Senzing database cluster
  2. aws-cloudformation-dev-rest - AWS Cloudformation for developers using Senzing HTTP REST API
  3. aws-cloudformation-ecs - Multiple AWS Cloudformations demonstrating Senzing stack variations.
  4. aws-cloudformation-ecs-poc-simple - Demonstrate Senzing stack using AWS CloudFormation - simplified.
  5. aws-cloudformation-ecs-senzing-stack-basic - AWS Cloudformation demonstrating a Senzing stack that can be used with aws-cloudformation-database-cluster.
  6. aws-cloudformation-ecs-senzing-stack-choices - AWS Cloudformation with additional configuration options.
  7. aws-marketplace-evaluation - AWS Marketplace offering.

Azure Environment

Projects specific to Microsoft's Azure environment.

  1. azure-template-aks-poc-simple - An Azure ARM template for bringing up Senzing on Kubernetes (AKS)


Code that shows how to perform a task.

  1. data-encryption-aes256cbc-sample - This is a sample encryption plugin, for use with the G2 engine to encrypt sensitive data in the data repository.


Convert industry standard formats to Senzing-ready format.

  1. mapper-base - Base functions used to map a variety of formats to a Senzing-acceptable format.
  2. mapper-csv - Exemplar artifacts (files) that can be used in other Senzing repositories.
  3. mapper-dnb - Map DNB format to Senzing format.
  4. mapper-dowjones - Map Dow Jones Watchlist format to Senzing format.
  5. mapper-icij - Map ICIJ format to Senzing format.
  6. mapper-leie - Map US HHS LEIE to Senzing format.
  7. mapper-nomino - Map Nomino format to Senzing format.
  8. mapper-npi - Map NPPES NPI Registry to Senzing format.
  9. mapper-ofac - Map OFAC to Senzing format.
  10. mapper-openc - Map Open Corporate into Senzing format.
  11. mapper-opensanctions - Map Open Sanctions into Senzing format.
  12. mapper-sayari - Map Sayari's global corporate data into Senzing format.


Non-code information.

  1. awesome - Curated list of awesome software and resources for Senzing, The First Real-Time AI for Entity Resolution.
  2. knowledge-base - HOWTOs, tasks, explanations, and more knowledge.
  3. senzing-data-encryption-specification - This is the interface for creating encryption plugins, to work with the G2 engine to encrypt sensitive data in the data repository.
  4. senzing-entity-specification - Complete Senzing Entity Specification and Attribute Dictionary.
  5. senzing-rest-api-specification - OpenAPI specification of Senzing REST API.
  6. senzing-sdk-api-specification - Software Development Kit documentation.
  7. - Organization site at


Software development kits for various platforms.

  1. g2-sdk-java - Java SDK hosted on MvnRepository.
  2. g2-sdk-python - Python SDK hosted on PYPI.
  3. sdk-components-ng - A collection of UI components to interface with the Senzing Rest API server.
  4. sdk-graph-components - SDK components that can be used in other projects using Angular 7.X.X.
  5. senzing-sdk-api-specification - Software Development Kit documentation.

User Interface

User interfaces for Senzing.

  1. rest-api-client-ng - Angular TypeScript interfaces, and classes for interacting with the senzing-api-server.
  2. sdk-components-ng - A collection of UI components to interface with the Senzing Rest API server.
  3. sdk-graph-components - SDK components that can be used in other projects using Angular 7.X.X.


Tools for working with Senzing.

  1. ansible-playbook-demo - Example of Ansible playbook.
  2. ansible-role-senzingapi - Ansible role - senzingapi
  3. ansible-role-stream-producer - Ansible role - Senzing Stream Producer
  4. docker-adminer - Dockerfile wrapping adminer, a database viewer.
  5. docker-apt - Dockerfile wrapping apt-get, a package manager.
  6. docker-aptdownloader - Dockerfile wrapping apt-get install --download-only.
  7. docker-compose-air-gapper - Create a TGZ bundle for air-gapped environments based on docker-compose.yaml
  8. docker-init-container - Dockerfile used to initialize Senzing artifacts.
  9. docker-mysql - Dockerfile wrapping mysql command line interpreter.
  10. docker-mysql-init - Dockerfile for initializing mysql database with a one-time command.
  11. docker-sshd - Dockerfile wrapping sshd.
  12. docker-wrap-image-with-senzing-data - Add /opt/senzing/data to a base image.
  13. docker-xterm - Web-based X-terminal.
  14. docker-yum - Dockerfile wrapping yum, a package manager.
  15. docker-yumdownloader - Dockerfile wrapping yumdownloader.
  16. entity-search-web-app - A lightweight http server providing a web UI for entity search through the senzing api server.
  17. g2-python - Tools found at g2/python in the SenzingAPI package.
  18. g2search - Reads formatted search records, calls Senzing, and outputs for analysis
  19. github-util - Works with GitHub metadata.
  20. governor-postgresql-transaction-id - Governor plugin for PostgreSQL transaction IDs.
  21. packer-ansible - Use Packer to build virtual machines with Ansible.
  22. postgresql-client - A psql client that waits for the database to be ready before uploading SQL file.
  23. redoer - Perform Senzing Redo operations.
  24. resolver - Ephemeral Senzing entity-resolution.
  25. risk-score-calculator - Risk scorer.
  26. senzing-api-server - Server of Senzing REST API.
  27. senzing-commons-java - Java classes used in multiple Senzing projects
  28. senzing-environment - Create an environment to use Senzing in a project / virtual environment style.
  29. senzing-listener - Listener framework.
  30. senzing-poc-server - Senzing API Server plus management APIs.
  31. senzinggo - Quickly and easily start the Senzing REST API server, demo web app & Swagger in containers.
  32. stream-loader - Python tool for loading Senzing Engine from RabbitMQ, Kafka, or AWS SQS.
  33. stream-logger - A utility for dumping the contents of a stream to a log.
  34. stream-producer - Produce a stream from different input formats.

Under construction

Being worked on. a.k.a. Fresh meat.

  1. configurator - Web service for configuring Senzing.
  2. data-mart-replicator - :construction: Data mart
  3. docker-terraform-aws - :construction: [Under construction]
  4. java-g2loader - :construction: [Under construction]
  5. packer-senzing-demo-ubuntu-18.04 - :construction: [Under construction] A packer build of a senzing demo.
  6. ready-for-senzing - :construction: [Under construction]
  7. rest-api-client-java - :construction: [Under construction] - Client built from OpenAPI specification.

Features and bugs

How to request new features and bug fixes.

  1. Request bug fix
  2. Request new feature in existing repository
  3. Request new feature

Other awesome sites

Our thanks to those who blazed the 'awesome' trail before us.