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Curated list of awesome software and resources for Senzing, The First Real-Time AI for Entity Resolution.
Curated list of awesome Senzing software and resources. Inspired by other awesome sites.
- Senzing's Top Picks
- Documentation
- Demonstrations
- Docker
- Dockerfiles
- DockerHub
- docker-compose
- Kubernetes
- Helm Charts
- Environment
- AWS environment
- Azure environment
- Mapper
- Resources
- User Interface
- G2Tools
- Under construction
- Features and bugs
- Other awesome sites
Senzing's Top Picks
Recommended projects from the team at Senzing.
docker-compose-demo - Demonstrate Senzing stack using
. - entity-search-web-app - A lightweight http server providing a web UI for entity search through the senzing api server.
- senzing-api-server - Server of Senzing REST API.
- senzinggo - Quickly and easily start the Senzing REST API server, demo web app & Swagger in containers.
- stream-loader - Python tool for loading Senzing Engine from RabbitMQ, Kafka, or AWS SQS.
- stream-producer - Produce a stream from different input formats.
Documentation on Senzing usage.
- Promoted articles - Promoted articles.
- Senzing API for Developers - Senzing API for Developers.
- Tags used in GitHub - GitHub tags for Senzing artifacts.
- community-roadmap - A peek into the future of the Senzing Community.
- evaluate - Information for evaluating Senzing at
- postgresql-performance - Tweaks to PostgreSQL and the Senzing DDL
- rabbitmq-performance - Tweeks to RabbitMQ
- video - Videos available at
Step-by-step instructions demonstrating use of Senzing.
- aws-cloudformation-ecs - Multiple AWS Cloudformations demonstrating Senzing stack variations.
- aws-cloudformation-ecs-poc-simple - Demonstrate Senzing stack using AWS CloudFormation - simplified.
- azure-template-aks-poc-simple - An Azure ARM template for bringing up Senzing on Kubernetes (AKS)
docker-app-demo - Demonstrate Senzing stack using
. -
docker-compose-demo - Demonstrate Senzing stack using
. - docker-python-demo - Dockerfile demonstrating simple Flask app using Senzing.
- ibm-openshift-guide - Demonstrate Senzing stack using OpenShift and IBM Db2.
- kubernetes-demo - Demonstrate Senzing stack using Kubernetes.
openshift-demo - Demonstrate Senzing stack using
. - senzinggo - Quickly and easily start the Senzing REST API server, demo web app & Swagger in containers.
Repositories with Dockerfiles.
- connector-neo4j - Transform Senzing data into Neo4j graph database.
- data-encryption-aes256cbc-sample - This is a sample encryption plugin, for use with the G2 engine to encrypt sensitive data in the data repository.
docker-adminer - Dockerfile wrapping
, a database viewer. -
docker-apt - Dockerfile wrapping
, a package manager. -
docker-aptdownloader - Dockerfile wrapping
apt-get install --download-only
. - docker-base-image-debian - A base docker image for Senzing processes built on Debian.
- docker-compose-air-gapper - Create a TGZ bundle for air-gapped environments based on docker-compose.yaml
- docker-db2-driver-installer - Install DB2 client drivers on mounted volumes.
- docker-hello-world - Dockerfile for testing docker formations.
docker-ibm-db2 - Dockerfile wrapping
docker image. - docker-init-container - Dockerfile used to initialize Senzing artifacts.
- docker-installer - Dockerfile use to install Senzing in a non-root container.
- docker-jupyter - Dockerfile for running example Senzing Jupyter notebooks.
docker-mysql - Dockerfile wrapping
command line interpreter. - docker-mysql-init - Dockerfile for initializing mysql database with a one-time command.
- docker-python-demo - Dockerfile demonstrating simple Flask app using Senzing.
- docker-senzing-base - Dockerfile used in FROM statements.
- docker-senzing-console - Docker-based console enabled for interacting with Senzing programs.
docker-sshd - Dockerfile wrapping
. - docker-web-app-demo - Dockerfile combining Senzing API server and Senzing Entity WebApp.
- docker-wrap-image-with-senzing-apt - Wrap an existing docker image with the Senzing package.
- docker-wrap-image-with-senzing-data - Add /opt/senzing/data to a base image.
- docker-xterm - Web-based X-terminal.
docker-yum - Dockerfile wrapping
, a package manager. -
docker-yumdownloader - Dockerfile wrapping
. - entity-search-web-app - A lightweight http server providing a web UI for entity search through the senzing api server.
- postgresql-client - A psql client that waits for the database to be ready before uploading SQL file.
- redoer - Perform Senzing Redo operations.
- resolver - Ephemeral Senzing entity-resolution.
- risk-score-calculator - Risk scorer.
- senzing-api-server - Server of Senzing REST API.
- senzing-environment - Create an environment to use Senzing in a project / virtual environment style.
- senzing-listener - Listener framework.
- senzing-poc-server - Senzing API Server plus management APIs.
- stream-loader - Python tool for loading Senzing Engine from RabbitMQ, Kafka, or AWS SQS.
- stream-logger - A utility for dumping the contents of a stream to a log.
- stream-producer - Produce a stream from different input formats.
Git repositories with Docker images on DockerHub.
- data-encryption-aes256cbc-sample - This is a sample encryption plugin, for use with the G2 engine to encrypt sensitive data in the data repository.
docker-adminer - Dockerfile wrapping
, a database viewer. -
docker-apt - Dockerfile wrapping
, a package manager. -
docker-aptdownloader - Dockerfile wrapping
apt-get install --download-only
. - docker-base-image-debian - A base docker image for Senzing processes built on Debian.
- docker-db2-driver-installer - Install DB2 client drivers on mounted volumes.
- docker-hello-world - Dockerfile for testing docker formations.
docker-ibm-db2 - Dockerfile wrapping
docker image. - docker-init-container - Dockerfile used to initialize Senzing artifacts.
- docker-jupyter - Dockerfile for running example Senzing Jupyter notebooks.
- docker-python-demo - Dockerfile demonstrating simple Flask app using Senzing.
- docker-senzing-base - Dockerfile used in FROM statements.
- docker-senzing-console - Docker-based console enabled for interacting with Senzing programs.
docker-sshd - Dockerfile wrapping
. - docker-web-app-demo - Dockerfile combining Senzing API server and Senzing Entity WebApp.
- docker-xterm - Web-based X-terminal.
docker-yum - Dockerfile wrapping
, a package manager. -
docker-yumdownloader - Dockerfile wrapping
. - entity-search-web-app - A lightweight http server providing a web UI for entity search through the senzing api server.
- redoer - Perform Senzing Redo operations.
- resolver - Ephemeral Senzing entity-resolution.
- risk-score-calculator - Risk scorer.
- senzing-api-server - Server of Senzing REST API.
- senzing-environment - Create an environment to use Senzing in a project / virtual environment style.
- senzing-listener - Listener framework.
- senzing-poc-server - Senzing API Server plus management APIs.
- stream-loader - Python tool for loading Senzing Engine from RabbitMQ, Kafka, or AWS SQS.
- stream-logger - A utility for dumping the contents of a stream to a log.
- stream-producer - Produce a stream from different input formats.
Docker formations using docker-compose.
- docker-compose-air-gapper - Create a TGZ bundle for air-gapped environments based on docker-compose.yaml
docker-compose-demo - Demonstrate Senzing stack using
G2Tools distributed with Senzing API package.
- compressedfile - Distributed with Senzing API package
- dumpstack - Distributed with Senzing API package
- g2audit - Distributed with Senzing API package
- g2command - Distributed with Senzing API package
- g2configtables - Distributed with Senzing API package
- g2configtool - Distributed with Senzing API package
- g2createproject - Distributed with Senzing API package
- g2database - Distributed with Senzing API package
- g2explorer - Distributed with Senzing API package
- g2export - Distributed with Senzing API package
- g2loader - Distributed with Senzing API package
- g2paths - Distributed with Senzing API package
- g2project - Distributed with Senzing API package
- g2s3 - Distributed with Senzing API package
- g2setupconfig - Distributed with Senzing API package
- g2snapshot - Distributed with Senzing API package
- g2updateproject - Distributed with Senzing API package
- senzinggo - Quickly and easily start the Senzing REST API server, demo web app & Swagger in containers.
- truth-sets - Distributed with Senzing API package
Step-by-step instructions demonstrating use of Senzing on kubernetes-based systems.
- azure-template-aks-poc-simple - An Azure ARM template for bringing up Senzing on Kubernetes (AKS)
- charts - Helm Charts for use with Kubernetes, OpenShift, and Rancher.
docker-apt - Dockerfile wrapping
, a package manager. - docker-init-container - Dockerfile used to initialize Senzing artifacts.
- docker-installer - Dockerfile use to install Senzing in a non-root container.
- docker-senzing-console - Docker-based console enabled for interacting with Senzing programs.
- entity-search-web-app - A lightweight http server providing a web UI for entity search through the senzing api server.
- kubernetes-demo - Demonstrate Senzing stack using Kubernetes.
- postgresql-client - A psql client that waits for the database to be ready before uploading SQL file.
- redoer - Perform Senzing Redo operations.
- senzing-api-server - Server of Senzing REST API.
- stream-loader - Python tool for loading Senzing Engine from RabbitMQ, Kafka, or AWS SQS.
- stream-producer - Produce a stream from different input formats.
Helm Charts
Git repositories with Helm Charts for Senzing on kubernetes-based systems.
- charts - Helm Charts for use with Kubernetes, OpenShift, and Rancher.
docker-apt - Dockerfile wrapping
, a package manager. - docker-db2-driver-installer - Install DB2 client drivers on mounted volumes.
- docker-hello-world - Dockerfile for testing docker formations.
docker-ibm-db2 - Dockerfile wrapping
docker image. - docker-init-container - Dockerfile used to initialize Senzing artifacts.
- docker-installer - Dockerfile use to install Senzing in a non-root container.
- docker-senzing-base - Dockerfile used in FROM statements.
- docker-senzing-console - Docker-based console enabled for interacting with Senzing programs.
docker-yum - Dockerfile wrapping
, a package manager. - entity-search-web-app - A lightweight http server providing a web UI for entity search through the senzing api server.
- postgresql-client - A psql client that waits for the database to be ready before uploading SQL file.
- redoer - Perform Senzing Redo operations.
- resolver - Ephemeral Senzing entity-resolution.
- senzing-api-server - Server of Senzing REST API.
- senzing-poc-server - Senzing API Server plus management APIs.
- stream-loader - Python tool for loading Senzing Engine from RabbitMQ, Kafka, or AWS SQS.
- stream-producer - Produce a stream from different input formats.
AWS Environment
Projects specific to Amazon Web Services environment.
- aws-cloudformation-database-cluster - AWS Cloudformation with VPC and Senzing database cluster
- aws-cloudformation-dev-rest - AWS Cloudformation for developers using Senzing HTTP REST API
- aws-cloudformation-ecs - Multiple AWS Cloudformations demonstrating Senzing stack variations.
- aws-cloudformation-ecs-poc-simple - Demonstrate Senzing stack using AWS CloudFormation - simplified.
- aws-cloudformation-ecs-senzing-stack-basic - AWS Cloudformation demonstrating a Senzing stack that can be used with aws-cloudformation-database-cluster.
- aws-cloudformation-ecs-senzing-stack-choices - AWS Cloudformation with additional configuration options.
- aws-marketplace-evaluation - AWS Marketplace offering.
Azure Environment
Projects specific to Microsoft's Azure environment.
- azure-template-aks-poc-simple - An Azure ARM template for bringing up Senzing on Kubernetes (AKS)
Code that shows how to perform a task.
- data-encryption-aes256cbc-sample - This is a sample encryption plugin, for use with the G2 engine to encrypt sensitive data in the data repository.
Convert industry standard formats to Senzing-ready format.
- mapper-base - Base functions used to map a variety of formats to a Senzing-acceptable format.
- mapper-csv - Exemplar artifacts (files) that can be used in other Senzing repositories.
- mapper-dnb - Map DNB format to Senzing format.
- mapper-dowjones - Map Dow Jones Watchlist format to Senzing format.
- mapper-icij - Map ICIJ format to Senzing format.
- mapper-leie - Map US HHS LEIE to Senzing format.
- mapper-nomino - Map Nomino format to Senzing format.
- mapper-npi - Map NPPES NPI Registry to Senzing format.
- mapper-ofac - Map OFAC to Senzing format.
- mapper-openc - Map Open Corporate into Senzing format.
- mapper-opensanctions - Map Open Sanctions into Senzing format.
- mapper-sayari - Map Sayari's global corporate data into Senzing format.
Non-code information.
- awesome - Curated list of awesome software and resources for Senzing, The First Real-Time AI for Entity Resolution.
- knowledge-base - HOWTOs, tasks, explanations, and more knowledge.
- senzing-data-encryption-specification - This is the interface for creating encryption plugins, to work with the G2 engine to encrypt sensitive data in the data repository.
- senzing-entity-specification - Complete Senzing Entity Specification and Attribute Dictionary.
- senzing-rest-api-specification - OpenAPI specification of Senzing REST API.
- senzing-sdk-api-specification - Software Development Kit documentation.
- - Organization site at
Software development kits for various platforms.
- g2-sdk-java - Java SDK hosted on MvnRepository.
- g2-sdk-python - Python SDK hosted on PYPI.
- sdk-components-ng - A collection of UI components to interface with the Senzing Rest API server.
- sdk-graph-components - SDK components that can be used in other projects using Angular 7.X.X.
- senzing-sdk-api-specification - Software Development Kit documentation.
User Interface
User interfaces for Senzing.
- rest-api-client-ng - Angular TypeScript interfaces, and classes for interacting with the senzing-api-server.
- sdk-components-ng - A collection of UI components to interface with the Senzing Rest API server.
- sdk-graph-components - SDK components that can be used in other projects using Angular 7.X.X.
Tools for working with Senzing.
- ansible-playbook-demo - Example of Ansible playbook.
- ansible-role-senzingapi - Ansible role - senzingapi
- ansible-role-stream-producer - Ansible role - Senzing Stream Producer
docker-adminer - Dockerfile wrapping
, a database viewer. -
docker-apt - Dockerfile wrapping
, a package manager. -
docker-aptdownloader - Dockerfile wrapping
apt-get install --download-only
. - docker-compose-air-gapper - Create a TGZ bundle for air-gapped environments based on docker-compose.yaml
- docker-init-container - Dockerfile used to initialize Senzing artifacts.
docker-mysql - Dockerfile wrapping
command line interpreter. - docker-mysql-init - Dockerfile for initializing mysql database with a one-time command.
docker-sshd - Dockerfile wrapping
. - docker-wrap-image-with-senzing-data - Add /opt/senzing/data to a base image.
- docker-xterm - Web-based X-terminal.
docker-yum - Dockerfile wrapping
, a package manager. -
docker-yumdownloader - Dockerfile wrapping
. - entity-search-web-app - A lightweight http server providing a web UI for entity search through the senzing api server.
- g2-python - Tools found at g2/python in the SenzingAPI package.
- g2search - Reads formatted search records, calls Senzing, and outputs for analysis
- github-util - Works with GitHub metadata.
- governor-postgresql-transaction-id - Governor plugin for PostgreSQL transaction IDs.
- packer-ansible - Use Packer to build virtual machines with Ansible.
- postgresql-client - A psql client that waits for the database to be ready before uploading SQL file.
- redoer - Perform Senzing Redo operations.
- resolver - Ephemeral Senzing entity-resolution.
- risk-score-calculator - Risk scorer.
- senzing-api-server - Server of Senzing REST API.
- senzing-commons-java - Java classes used in multiple Senzing projects
- senzing-environment - Create an environment to use Senzing in a project / virtual environment style.
- senzing-listener - Listener framework.
- senzing-poc-server - Senzing API Server plus management APIs.
- senzinggo - Quickly and easily start the Senzing REST API server, demo web app & Swagger in containers.
- stream-loader - Python tool for loading Senzing Engine from RabbitMQ, Kafka, or AWS SQS.
- stream-logger - A utility for dumping the contents of a stream to a log.
- stream-producer - Produce a stream from different input formats.
Under construction
Being worked on. a.k.a. Fresh meat.
- configurator - Web service for configuring Senzing.
- data-mart-replicator - :construction: Data mart
- docker-terraform-aws - :construction: [Under construction]
- java-g2loader - :construction: [Under construction]
- packer-senzing-demo-ubuntu-18.04 - :construction: [Under construction] A packer build of a senzing demo.
- ready-for-senzing - :construction: [Under construction]
- rest-api-client-java - :construction: [Under construction] - Client built from OpenAPI specification.
Features and bugs
How to request new features and bug fixes.
Other awesome sites
Our thanks to those who blazed the 'awesome' trail before us.
- General: sindresorhus/awesome,
- GoLang: avelino/awesome-go
- Java: java-lang/awesome-java, akullpp/awesome-java, awesome-java
- JavaScript: sorrycc/awesome-javascript, uhub/awesome-javascript
- PHP:, ziadoz/awesome-php
- Python: vinta/awesome-python