Can you show example code where customer overriding the default implement?
Did you mean ```cs var context = new ODataContext(edmModel); context.OperationHanderProvider = NewOperationHanderProvider; // Override OperationHandler ``` Right?
Thank you @xuzhg ! May be to create tags generation for change behaivour in one point?
No. That's the problem.
Thank you for quickly fix. I'll check and give you answer.
Hi @sylenien! I checked on 4.0.2, no effect. But on 4.1.1 version is work! By the way. I want use openreplay throw gateway. I want configure custom route for https://openreplay.myhost:4243/gw/ingest...
Can you add config for custom route path. Like as method callback or template?
I investigate problem use openreplay throw gateway. I try override getHost like ```js = () => { const url = new URL( return + url.pathname.replace('/ingest', '') } ```...
I create PR Please, check it and merge if it's ok ;)
Hi, @au5ton. Unfortunately, I can't restore it project. If you need, I can create new example. For example with it endpoint$top=100