
Results 22 comments of SeniorMars

I found it :) ``` ## versions vim version: NVIM v0.9.0-dev-1257-gcfdb4cbad-dirty node version: v16.16.0 coc.nvim version: 0.0.82-9766fde1 2022-10-07 21:45:48 +0800 coc.nvim directory: /Users/charlie/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/coc.nvim term: tmux platform: darwin ## Log of...

Not working :(. Works well on linux, but not on mac currently

I am not sure if this the issue but this is what I'm seeing: ![image]( I don't think the little white boxes are normal.

Having the same problem on fish and safari and I am also using a yubikey 11:39:32.774240-0500 Pass for macOS sendPartialString 11:39:32.886080-0500 Pass for macOS sendPartialString 11:39:32.929697-0500 Pass for macOS sendPartialString...

Can I ask what the problem with ultisnip hooks is? Is there a lot of complexity involved with the feature?

This would be really cool. Many IDEs are using semantic highlighting for this, but I believe treesitter would be perfect for this.

Hacky fix This works for neovim: In my `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/queries/rust` I have a file called: `injections.scm` with the following: ```query ; extends ( (line_comment) @_first (_) @rust (line_comment) @_last (#match? @_first...