I played a bit more and it seems that my initial conclusion was wrong: stuttering happens when Wesnoth music is playing as well (at least, in v5.3.4). I edited the...
JIC, I'm on Windows 8.1. Maybe I should update some of the libraries?
> Which victory/defeat screens do you mean, the wyrm/yale/etc.? No, I meant the older ones. I just did a Google image search and it turns out that at least the...
> I also found a sprite sheet posted by b_o as a replacement for_Warcraft_'s Medivh [here](, which seems like completely original art as well Upon closer inspection, it appears that...
Apologies, I forgot to mention: both stderr.txt and stdout.txt were completely empty (zero bytes). I have just replicated the problem yet again by making a new folder with all the...
Thanks a lot! I was able to start the game, the main menu works fine, albeit with relatively small but noticeable lags between sub-menus (like accessing single player options from...
> I'm not sure whether reintroducing windowed mode and resolution selection would bring much, as it would just result in the player seeing less of the map; and it would...
> About the shader you mentioned (thanks for letting me know of it!), the results are better, and it would be cool to use it. But for that I would...
> Regarding the scaling, that could be improved upon by adding more scaling options, e.g. a 150% scaling option alongside the current 200% one. I just checked the 5.2.2 release...
I forgot to ask, which scaling algorithm is being used? The 1.5x sixe looks very good and smooth, and very accurate to the original art. Is this just 2xBRZ downsampled...