discord-image-downloader-go copied to clipboard
Is this broken at the moment?
I know there was a few updates to Discord yesterday.
I've had this up and running previously a couple of months ago with no issue. I've downloaded the latest .exe and ensured the config file is set up correctly and I'm getting nothing back when trying to download historic posts via a second account, typing "history" or "help" returns nothing. I've tried swapping which is the main account and trying an entirely fresh account as the "second" but still not getting anything back, also tried forcing a new config to be made and effectively starting from scratch.
Any assistance would be appreciated. Also thanks for this, it's a solid and useful piece of kit :)
i dont know dude, my does it too. my last download was april 30 and then stopped downloading and answering.hope we got a fix for this or an answer to our problem
Hi, discord-image-downloader-go uses discordgo 0.22 (Discord API v6). But the Discord API v6 has been deprecated. What's why it doesn't work now. A solution is to upgrade discordgo to 0.23.1 (Discord API v8). It's not straightforward because there are breaking changes.
hello. so i downloaded v1.36 and at first sight its working. i want to use the .ini version because its a lot easier for me then the .json fork. the bot answer so my problem is no more. not sure the auto download part but with history command it can download stuff (thank you for the idea eclipse95)
Hi, Discord API v6 is deprecated, not disabled. The PR #207 (not mine) fixes this issue. It'is linked to a breaking change from Discord.