discord-image-downloader-go copied to clipboard
Downloading history of a channel
I put in the interative channel underneath the normal channels code and i put in the id of dm with my second account but when i send help nothing happens I have restarted the script.
Did you remember to put a folder path? If not just use/make a random folder since nothing will actually be saved in there
yeah i have
[general] skip edits = false download tistory sites = true max download retries = 1000 download timeout = 60 send notices to interactive channels = true
[channels] 296056831514509312 = D:\stuff\discord downloader\New folder 469659666562154496 = D:\stuff\discord downloader\New folder channelid3 = C:\Users\Blyat\Downloads\discord downloader\New folder
[interactive channels] 632647773011050496 = D:\stuff\discord downloader\New folder
[flickr] api key = your flickr api key
[twitter] consumer key = your consumer key consumer secret = your consumer secret access token = your access token access token secret = your access token secret this is what my config looks like atm
did you but the id from the alt acc there? or from the acc you use to downlaod the pictures