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Scautoloc usage in Playback - Past epochs usage and end statement in the XML dataless -
If the Network, stream, sensorLocation label "
As precised by Jan: scautoloc reads all stations from inventory where 'now' must match the epoch. This is actually a problem for playbacks of past data. scautoloc should use the stations information of the epoch that matches the pick time but this is currently not the case. Note that only the station itself is important, sensorLocation and stream information are not used at all.
See at least:/seiscomp3/src/trunk/apps/processing/scautoloc/app.cpp and code lines:
DataModel::Network *network = inventory->network(n);
try { if ( network->end() <= now )
} catch ( ... ) { for ( size_t s = 0; s < network->stationCount(); ++s ) { DataModel::Station *station = network->station(s); try { if ( station->end() <= now ) continue;
A way to work around that issue is to remove the last
I believe that this has been fixed now. Any feedback will be appreciated so that we can close the issue.
Hello @jsaul thanks for reminding me this, it s very nice to have this fixed! i ll proceed to some playbacks tests !
[ ] Use a SC3 inventory xml with some END date labels on a event occured before that date
[x] Use Seiscomp3 version Upon October branch compilation or next release.
(see , and fix in commit
Thanks @jsaul and @luca-s