Hi! Could you describe in depth how are you using the library? I think both of you have the corrupted images on client side. Manage this problem with canvas example...
Ok, if you are getting perfect images modifying the ffmpeg parameters maybe you need ajust these parameters by the library directly in code. BUT! I don't know that you could...
Here you have a method you write images directly from bytes array. function saveImage(filename, data){ var myBuffer = new Buffer(data.length); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {...
It seems in your code writes the image while you are getting images from the library. Maybe this causes that the function can not write the same data because write...
Ok, let me in this days test the code and maybe we can find the problem. The library receive a complete frame when on data event is fired, i think...
Sorry, this weekend I was sick and i couldn't try the code. In this week I'll test it and I'll see you if i have the same results on images.
Hello again @anselanza i test your code and i worked perfectly. Maybe is an issue with your cam, and you only need to adjust the parameters in your code. What...
For the moment this library only can thread with video stream :)
Hi @marcogorak , This library only decodes video in a string of matrix pixels that represent each frame of the video. Obviously you can't target directly these frames to html5...
I think you can start and stop the stream with Socket IO clearing the channel that you are subscribed. In the example you can disconnect with divSocket.disconnect(); and reconnect with...