
Results 33 comments of Seegras

With that I get ``` gcc -Isrc/inc -O2 -Wall -std=c99 -DNO_GDK `pkg-config --cflags pango` objs/child.o objs/display.o objs/globals.o objs/keysyms.o objs/lighthouse.o objs/results.o -o lighthouse -lxcb -lxcb-xkb -lxcb-xinerama -lxcb-randr -lcairo -lpthread `pkg-config --libs...

It's even broken on the non-tiling WindowMaker. It's not flickering there, but some menus just vanish and are impossible to click on.

Addendum: There's a setting in the beta, in interfaces at the bottom, where you can re-activate the old behaviour. Which tells me Valve knows this can be an issue.

Because ssh-rsa using SHA1 is NOT acceptable crypto anywhere in this world. Needs to use ssh-rsa-sha256. This is how this would presumably look on the server side: `Unable to negotiate...

Probably because it defaults to outdated encryption.. Like ssh-rsa (which uses sha1) instead of ssh-rsa-sha256

For me, the scaling issue is fixed on the Library with 1679024366, but still present in the properties window.

I also get a segfault. Here's the backtrace: #0 _dl_close (_map=0x0) at dl-close.c:817 #1 0x00007ffff7de84f4 in _dl_catch_error (objname=0x5555586cdfa0, errstring=0x5555586cdfa8, mallocedp=0x5555586cdf98, operate=0x7ffff4ad8fb0 , args=0x0) at dl-error.c:187 #2 0x00007ffff4ad9521 in _dlerror_run (...

Can confirm on Linux too. One way this happens is if you "kill " minecraft. it then does this (seen with strace): ``` write(6, "\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 8) = 8 write(6, "\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0",...

Also unable to compile on Debian/unstable, same simplexpr errors.

Also noticed this for provider DB when searching for Swiss stations. Suddenly you can go from Zürich to Zürich, with Zürich, Zürich and Zürich in between. That's in the results....