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Assert empty intersection of result-sets: A is not in B
I would like to compare two result-sets and ensure that none of the data in result-set A is in result-set B. As far as I can tell this is not currently possible using NBi.
Can this functionality be added to NBi?
Could you use a query using INTERSECT to intersect both of your resultsets and assert them against an empty resultset of the same structure as the first resultset? In the reported deviation you would get the rows returned which are in both resultsets, which could be quite handy.
I cant find intersect as functionality in NBi, so I assume you mean I could use INTERSECT in the query, however: Result-set A is returned from Microsoft SQL-server while result-set B is returned from Oracle SQL Developer. Because if this, it is not possible to transform the two result-sets before the test is executed.
This is indeed not natively supported and there is no straight-forward way to handle that case. I'll add this to the backlog.