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Bringing all of PostgreSQL's awesomeness to Django.

Results 56 django-postgres-extra issues
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We are currently evaluating partitioned tables in Postgres for use with our logging database backing a Django application (large volume of log entries that are typically filtered by date, but...


For example: ``` class PartitionedEvent(PostgresPartitionedModel): class PartitioningMeta: method = PostgresPartitioningMethod.RANGE key = ["pgh_created_at"] pgh_created_at = models.DateTimeField() class Meta: abstract = True class ConcretePartitionEvent(PartitionedEvent): pass ``` When calling ` pgmakemigrations`, it...


Hello, Django 5.0 is released. Is there anything you need help on to support it? Currently this package is marked as Django

### **Tool versions:** - Django version 4.2.7 - PostgreSQL 14.3 - django-postgres-extra-2.0.8 ### **Scenario:** I am refactoring an existing app I created to support table partitioning. The table that needs...

I think fixing it this way would be better, because in PostgreSQL, the pg_indexes view within the SQL SELECT indexname, indexdef FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = %s is used to...

Can't add partitioning to existing models. In my app I have the model, which I want to optimize by partitioning. My old model: ```Python class ProjectKeyword(models.Model): collected_at = models.DateTimeField(, db_index=True)...