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Bringing all of PostgreSQL's awesomeness to Django.

Results 56 django-postgres-extra issues
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Currently with `on_conflict(...).insert(...)` (as well as `insert_and_get` and `bulk_insert`) there is no way to know which rows were inserted and which have been updated in-place (unlike Django's `update_or_create` which returns...


This is a draft, more testing is needed.

My case is that I want to `bulk_upsert` a bunch of (Django) user entries. Both when inserting and updating, the password should not be set. For some reason (I didn't...


### Problem Unable to use the command pgpartition if the model table is using a schema other than public The model definition is something like this ```python class MonthTimeseriesLong(PostgresPartitionedModel): """...

We see an empty save point being inserted if we specfify on_conflict target as relation name and not column name. See the example bellow, the difference is in the `on_conflict`...


Currently, when adding new range partition will not acquire the old partition and automatically distribute the time evenly. For example, if i add 10 partitions ahead with 3 months seperated,...


I'm trying to create an FK pointing to the pk of a partitioned table. The docs only mention that this isn't supported in Postgres 10.x, so I'm using 13. I...


It would be amazing that when I change a query on a `PostgresViewModel` or `PostgresMaterializedViewModel`, if psqlextra would generate an alter view migration for me. Currently, I have to either...

