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List Index out of Range
I have a couple of Wyze Lock Bolts and they seem to be causing an out of range error in this integration:
home-assistant | 2023-08-04 13:48:31.221 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.lock] wyzeapi: Error on device update!
home-assistant | Traceback (most recent call last):
home-assistant | File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity_platform.py", line 570, in _async_add_entity
home-assistant | await entity.async_device_update(warning=False)
home-assistant | File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity.py", line 940, in async_device_update
home-assistant | await self.async_update()
home-assistant | File "/config/custom_components/wyzeapi/token_manager.py", line 45, in inner_function
home-assistant | await func(*args, **kwargs)
home-assistant | File "/config/custom_components/wyzeapi/lock.py", line 149, in async_update
home-assistant | lock = await self._lock_service.update(self._lock)
home-assistant | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
home-assistant | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/wyzeapy/services/lock_service.py", line 18, in update
home-assistant | device_info = await self._get_lock_info(lock)
home-assistant | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
home-assistant | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/wyzeapy/services/base_service.py", line 499, in _get_lock_info
home-assistant | device_uuid = device.mac.split(".")[2]
home-assistant | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^^
home-assistant | IndexError: list index out of range
I don't really need those locks supported but this is impacting updates to my other Wyze devices.
Looks like they changed how the device address is configured... Is it possible to find what the actual value is so we can parse it correctly?
@malammar can you add a debug log statement to wyzeapy/services/base_service.py
and share the line in the log?
I have an old debug log from lock_service.py
which might have what you're looking for:
"available": false,
"raw_dict": {
"mac": "YD_BT1.39aa4f3a9267557ddee4043da924c704",
"first_activation_ts": 1654131355000,
"first_binding_ts": 1654131355000,
"enr": "",
"nickname": "Front Door",
"timezone_name": "America/Los_Angeles",
"product_model": "YD_BT1",
"product_model_logo_url": "",
"product_type": "Lock",
"hardware_ver": "",
"firmware_ver": "1.0.0",
"user_role": 1,
"binding_user_nickname": "REDACTED",
"conn_state": 1,
"conn_state_ts": 0,
"push_switch": 1,
"device_params": {},
"is_in_auto": 0,
"event_master_switch": 1,
"parent_device_mac": "",
"parent_device_enr": "",
"binding_ts": 1654131355000,
"timezone_gmt_offset": -7.0
Looking at the output malamar posted there, I feel like they used to have "something.somethingelse.uuid" and they removed one of the somethings.
however, I'm not sure if some versions of the lock still have 3 fields? So maybe it's just worth changing device_uuid = device.mac.split(".")[2] to device_uuid = device.mac.split(".")[-1]
Those changes will need to be here: https://github.com/SecKatie/wyzeapy/blob/bb5323b3a394118bfd7e5fafeb9253984e987617/src/wyzeapy/services/base_service.py#L480 and here: https://github.com/SecKatie/wyzeapy/blob/bb5323b3a394118bfd7e5fafeb9253984e987617/src/wyzeapy/services/base_service.py#L499
I think it was always the last segment of the mac when split by .'s