Path-Creator copied to clipboard
Help - holder is offseting objects that should be on a path.
I have a path and a script - PATH FILLER. Path filler has prefab and holder folder. But when I add prefab and holder folder - prefabs don't line up to a path precisely. Scale and position too big comparatively to path.
Here is the script of a PATH FILLER
public class pathFILLER : PathSceneTool {
public GameObject prefab;
public GameObject holder;
public float spacing = 3;
int text = 1;
const float minSpacing = .1f;
bool previsone = false;
void Generate () {
if (pathCreator != null && prefab != null && holder != null) {
DestroyObjects ();
VertexPath path = pathCreator.path;
spacing = Mathf.Max(minSpacing, spacing);
float dst = 0;
while (dst < path.length) {
Vector3 point = path.GetPointAtDistance (dst);
Quaternion rot = path.GetRotationAtDistance (dst);
//prefab.transform.rotation = addRotation;
Instantiate (prefab, point , rot * prefab.transform.rotation, holder.transform);
// if(transform.GetChild(0).gameObject){
// transform.GetChild(0).gameObject }
dst += spacing;