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what index does the label of widerface and celeba start from, 0 or 1?
for widerface wider_face_train_bbx_gt.txt Number of bounding box x1, y1, w, h, blur, expression, illumination, invalid, occlusion, pose what index does x1 and y1 start, 0 or 1?
for celeba list_landmarks_celeba.txt 202599 lefteye_x lefteye_y righteye_x righteye_y nose_x nose_y leftmouth_x leftmouth_y rightmouth_x rightmouth_y 000001.jpg 165 184 244 176 196 249 194 271 266 260 what index does the landmark label start from, 0 or 1?
for python, image index start from 0, for matlab index start from 1, so the label start from which index? I know it is just a pixel, but for landmark localization, it's important.