ChartjsNodeCanvas copied to clipboard
chartjs-node-canvas using webpack
I using this conf where running webpack :
export default {
entry: './server.js',
mode: "production",
devtool: 'source-map',
//externals: [nodeExternals({allowlist: [/\.(?!(?:jsx?|json)$).{1,5}$/i],})],
// la allowlist spécifie les packages qui vont etre dans le bundle
externals: [nodeExternals({allowlist: [ ..., 'chart.js', 'chartjs-adapter-moment', 'chartjs-node-canvas', 'chartjs-node-canvas']})],
I get the following error where I build the application :
WARNING in ./node_modules/chartjs-node-canvas/dist/freshRequire.js 6:25-46
Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression
@ ./node_modules/chartjs-node-canvas/dist/index.js 4:23-48
@ ./graphInit.js 17:0-55 1316:32-49
@ ./server.js 7:0-38 34:13-41 35:16-42 141:2-28 146:2-29 178:4-39 204:4-39
Hi there!
So I have not used webpack much and am not familiar with that error or why there is a need for webpack on Nodejs actually (is it not meant for browser based js?). From my limited understanding, I assume it is complaining about the 'use' of require
in that bit of code, since it is a commonjs module thing? I have not yet added support for esm in this lib, and it will be non-trivial given the node-canvas
memory management concerns, but it is on the roadmap.
Not sure if this helped? If it is not related to my assumption maybe you can guide me a bit on the details of why/ how it is breaking?