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🦦 An Embeddable SQL Executor in Rust

This is still WIP and essentially an unpublished project


🦦 An Embeddable SQL Executor in Rust

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OtterSQL implements a generic intermediate code (IC) with an instruction set for tabular data operations. This IC can be used to make in-memory mocks of larger databases such as MySQL and SQLite. This IC is executed by the OtterSQL VM. This project also provides a frontend that compiles a generic dialect of SQL to the IC.

The primary goal for this project is to facilitate developers in testing their SQL-backed applications. The long term goal is to have an embeddable SQL VM for use in client-side applications.

Non-goals (for now): performance, concurrency, persistence, ACID compliance.


See this blog post for an introduction of OtterSQL.

Using as a library

See the crate documentation.


Currently implemented

  • [x] INSERT values
  • [x] Projection (SELECTing specific columns)
  • [x] Filter (WHERE clause of SELECT) with complex expressions
  • [x] LIMIT
  • [x] ORDER BY

In-progress or in the near future

  • [ ] UPDATE: execution
  • [ ] Unions and Joins: execution
  • [ ] Group by: execution
  • [ ] Nested SELECT: codegen and execution
  • [ ] Common table expressions (CTEs): codegen and execution
  • [ ] Uphold table constraints: codegen and execution

In the far future

  • [ ] MySQL dialect and features
  • [ ] SQLite dialect and features


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


Meet the official mascot of OtterSQL. He lives in the sea and loves reading books.