MailHookBundle copied to clipboard
A bundle to catch API webhook from different mail service
Catch webhook from various API mail service and directly get the related user.
Define your project url to your mail provider service (Mandrill, MailJet...) and get events dispatched into your app.
Support various service
- Campain Monitor
- Mailgun
- Mailjet
- Mandrill
- Sendgrid
- Sparkpost
- And add your custom service
Example use cases:
- Disable to a user's notification when a mail is signal as spam.
- Send a private message to a user if last mail send get bounced.
- Warning an Account Manager about a hard bounce on a new user creation.
- Track email reading and clicks on your custom CRM.
- All you want!
Add the package to your composer.json file
"scullwm/mailhookbundle": "dev-master",
Add this to app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new Swm\Bundle\MailHookBundle\SwmMailHookBundle(),
return $bundles;
1) Edit app/config.yml
secretsalt: notSecret
2) Edit app/routing.yml
resource: "@SwmMailHookBundle/Controller/"
type: annotation
prefix: /
Well done!
Use it
Go to your email service provider like and find where to configure your webhook. Check hooks you want and set the url like this:{secretSalt}/{serviceName}/catch
With no configuration for mandrill it should be :
With a custom secretSalt and mailjet service it should be :
Events dispatched
- swm.mail_hook.event.send
- swm.mail_hook.event.soft_bounce
- swm.mail_hook.event.hard_bounce
- swm.mail_hook.event.deferral
- swm.mail_hook.event.spam
- swm.mail_hook.event.blocked
- swm.mail_hook.event.unsub
- swm.mail_hook.event.reject
- swm.mail_hook.event.other
Events listener provided
By default, a simple MailHookEvent is dispatched by the DefaultHydrator. But if you are using FosUserBundle, you can use the FosUserHydrator to use directly UserMailHookEvent which return directly the user entity associate on the email.
If your using FosUserBundle
There's already a special route called "swm_mailhook_user_catcher_for_service": /{secretSalt}/{service}/catchuser
It directly return a UserMailHookEvent where you can getUser().
To see a basic exemple see this link : (Using JMS/di-extra-bundle optionnal)