pharen copied to clipboard
Lexical::init_closure(naming) is unexpected when (load file) is used
Reference project:
What I expect to see when compiling lispy.phn is [$ pharen lispy.phn]
$__scope_id = Lexical::init_closure("_Users_nomad_Projects_lispy", 204);
$__scope_id = Lexical::init_closure("_Users_nomad_Projects_lispyerrorview", 204);
errorview is a rerefence to a (load file) from here
(fn IndexView (name path routes) (load indexview) (:done))
(fn BlogView (name path routes) (load blogview) (:done))
(fn CodeView (name path routes) (load codeview) (:done))
(fn ErrorView (name path routes) (load errorview) (:done))