Andréas Hanss

Results 120 comments of Andréas Hanss

I switched to expo-images

@etrousset Thanks for helping me with that :) While this could justify the issue with the disconnection, it seems it has been handled already by ArduinoWebsocket library: But...

After building my own minimal client with reconnection I can confirm that Kuzzle sdk JS seems not be the issue. After losing a connection and reconnect I still receive notifications...

I made a custom websocket proxy and i can confirm that now I don't lose my subscriptions anymore. I can confirm that kuzzle works strangely under the scenario of a...

About SERVO on ESP32 : > WARNING: library Servo claims to run on avr, megaavr, sam, samd, nrf52, stm32f4, mbed, mbed_nano, mbed_portenta, mbed_rp2040 architecture(s) and may be incompatible with your...

Hello, it is not clear, I've already reported that. This is the key used for the key/value storage in AsyncStorage. By default if you let root you storage key will...

That's strange, I think it's because you've a corrupted storage, try to desinstall et reinstall the application (remove it, do not update)

My bad, I'm used to think in the React Native way… Happy to hear that's working again