Scott Jones

Results 29 issues of Scott Jones

Minimize heap allocations for marshalers by eliminating explicit try/finally and adopting ref structs with non-IDisposable Dispose and 'using var ...' pattern, as well as passing marshalers to FromAbi by ref...


Some ABI helper marshalers are stateless, can just use static implementations


There are a few paths that can fail at runtime and would benefit greatly with some trace logging, such as: - Helper type not found: this can indicate an internal...


workaround: using WinRT; ... var obj = ((object)objectWithStaticAs).As


The IIterable and IBindableIterable projections should have special implementations of IIterator IBindableIterator that use random access if available, by probing for IVector, IVectorView. This would reduce the number of vcalls...


In a message like: Overriding target "Publish" in project "G:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\MSBuild\Current\Bin\amd64\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets" with target "Publish" from project "G:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v17.0\AppxPackage\Microsoft.AppXPackage.Targets". It would be nice if the paths to...

If a node is selected in the Log tab, and another node is expanded/collapsed, then the Log tab automatically scrolls back to the selected node. It would be nice to...

This is a minor efficiency feature: automatically highlight all instances of selected text, instead of having to Ctrl+F to see them.

Searches are often stack-like. E.g., I often find myself searching for say, a task, then chasing down a property assignment for that task, then wanting to return to the task....

I often have to compare binlogs to see where a break occurred, or why debug/release differ, etc. It would be nice if the breadcrumb path displayed in the bottom pane...