Scott Lovegrove
Scott Lovegrove
What errors are you getting?
Are you behind a proxy at all? I've just tried adding your blog (albeit with useless credentials) and it goes through the normal motions and only fails at the point...
Unfortunately, if the hosting companies themselves are blocking that, there's not a lot OLW can do. Unless wordpress suddenly start offering some kind of oauth approach, we will have to...
@DDReaper Are you still having this issue? If so, would you be willing to try a test version when one is ready as I don't have a blog with which...
We want to check that it's nothing to do with OLW not supporting SSL, and we also want to see if it's anything to do with redirects, because i note...
@DDReaper Could you please try installing this version and seeing whether you can connect to your https blog now, please.
You worry me saying "first time", I know what you mean, but just to be safe, can you try adding it again :)
Awesome, and just to be a pain (sorry), if you install the original version (from, you then can't add it, right? Just want to confirm the original problem can...
Sweet. Thanks for testing this :)
Yeah, having some decent test hosts might be something @jongalloway can look into :)