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Add support for Generalized vertical height coordinate (levelType 150)
Perhaps you might consider supporting levelType
150, which is used by the state-of-the art models by the DWD, namely ICON and COSMO-D2. The following implementation allows reading the models on native levels, although one could probably do a more complete job by creating a corresponding HybridFactory
or some such. I also did not write any tests, obviously ;P
def generalized_vertical_coordinates(section, metadata):
Translate the section 4 generalized vertical coordinates (level type 150).
Updates the metadata in-place with the translations.
Reference GRIB2 Code Table 4.5 and documentation of COSMO-D2 and ICON model
by DWD.
Parameter HHL must be read in to reconstruct the height grid; we
refrain from giving misleading height and pressure coordinates. Model
level refers to full levels (e.g. level centers). Half levels (e.g. level
boundaries) consequently are assigned non-integer values.
* section:
Dictionary of coded key/value pairs from section 4 of the message.
* metadata:
:class:`collections.OrderedDict` of metadata.
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = section['typeOfSecondFixedSurface']
if typeOfSecondFixedSurface not in [150, 101, _TYPE_OF_FIXED_SURFACE_MISSING]:
msg = 'Product definition section 4 contains unsupported type ' \
'of second fixed surface [{}]'.format(typeOfSecondFixedSurface)
raise TranslationError(msg)
scaleFactor = section['scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface']
if scaleFactor != 0:
msg = 'Product definition section 4 contains invalid scale ' \
'factor of first fixed surface [{}]'.format(scaleFactor)
raise TranslationError(msg)
# Create the model level number scalar coordinate.
# In COSMO-D2 this references a layer boundary for TKE and W, and the
# layer center of the layer below the boundary in other cases, hence
# we average over the two level numbers given
scaledValue = section['scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface']
if typeOfSecondFixedSurface in [101, _TYPE_OF_FIXED_SURFACE_MISSING]:
# Message contains the level definition field HHL itself
# or is defined on the half level
# => use half level as a float value
model_level = float(scaledValue) - 0.5
# Message contains physical variable on level center
model_level = scaledValue
coord = DimCoord(model_level, standard_name='model_level_number',
metadata['aux_coords_and_dims'].append((coord, None))
def vertical_coords(section, metadata):
Translate the vertical coordinates or hybrid vertical coordinates.
Updates the metadata in-place with the translations.
Reference GRIB2 Code Table 4.5.
* section:
Dictionary of coded key/value pairs from section 4 of the message.
* metadata:
:class:`collections.OrderedDict` of metadata.
if section['NV'] > 0:
# Generate hybrid vertical coordinates.
if section['typeOfFirstFixedSurface'] == 150:
generalized_vertical_coordinates(section, metadata)
hybrid_factories(section, metadata)
One might also need to add some GRIB2 mappings, but I'm not sure. Just in case, here is what I currently define in addition to the standard mappings:
# additions for ARPEGE
G2Param(2, 0, 19, 11): CFName('turbulent_kinetic_energy', None, 'J kg-1'),
G2Param(2, 0, 1, 16): CFName('snowmelt', None, 'kg m-2'),
G2Param(2, 0, 1, 52): CFName('total_precipitation', None, 'kg m-2'),
G2Param(2, 0, 2, 23): CFName('wind_speed_of_gust_u_comp', None, 'kg m-2'),
G2Param(2, 0, 2, 24): CFName('wind_speed_of_gust_v_comp', None, 'kg m-2'),
G2Param(2, 0, 1, 6): CFName('evaporation', None, 'kg m-2'),
G2Param(2, 0, 2, 37): CFName('surface_downward_northward_stress', None, 'kg m-1 s-1'),
G2Param(2, 0, 2, 38): CFName('surface_downward_eastward_stress', None, 'kg m-1 s-1'),
G2Param(2, 0, 3, 18): CFName('planetary_boundary_layer_height', None, 'm'),
G2Param(2, 0, 4, 196): CFName('clear_sky_downward_solar_flux', None, 'W m-2'),
G2Param(2, 0, 5, 196): CFName('clear_sky_downward_thermal_flux', None, 'W m-2'),
# additions for RACEVAR
G2Param(2, 0, 1, 8): CFName('total_precipitation', None, 'kg m-2'),
# additions for COSMO-REA6
G2Param(2, 0, 1, 14): CFName('convective_snow_fall', None, 'kg m-2'),
G2Param(2, 0, 1, 76): CFName('convective_rain_rate', None, 'kg m-2'),
G2Param(2, 0, 1, 77): CFName('large_scale_rain_rate', None, 'kg m-2 s-1'),
G2Param(2, 0, 6, 25): CFName('duration_sunshine', None, 'h'),
G2Param(2, 2, 0, 5): CFName('water_runoff', None, 'kg m-2'),
G2Param(2, 2, 3, 18): CFName('soil_temperature', None, 'K'),