ICSharpCore copied to clipboard
How to install the kernel?
Hey guys,
Thank you for your effort! Was dreaming about getting C# to Jupyter. However I just cannot get HOW to install your kernel. Really. Sorry for giving this question, but I have read your documentation through and through, and it leads me nowhere. Please assist!
Jupyter installed:
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install jupyter
Jupyter started:
jupyter notebook
I cannot enter more commands, so I closed it. Checking list of available kernels:
jupyter kernelspec list
Your is not in the list (of course! How it should be there? By magic?)
All next commands predictably fail:
jupyter kernelspec install kernel-spec --name=csharpcore
So, how I can get your kernel? Many thanks in advance for any help!
Try to the docker container, out of box solution. https://github.com/SciSharp/SciSharpCube
For windows users:
- copy project from git to some COPY_FOLDER
- run "dotnet publish -c Release" from COPY_FOLDER/ICSharpCore/src/ICSharpCore directory
- copy all files from the build directory (something like ./bin/Release/netcoreapp2.2) to SOME_PATH
- in COPY_FOLDER/ICSharpCore/kernel-spec/kernel.json file replace <PATH> to SOME_PATH, so you will get SOME_PATH/ICSharpCore.dll
- from COPY_FOLDER/ICSharpCore run "jupyter kernelspec install kernel-spec --name=csharp"
the last comand copies the kernel-spec directory in your ProgramData\Jupyter\kernels\
hope this helps