SimpleNonlinearSolve.jl copied to clipboard
[WIP] Testing out a `vmap` implementation
Example Usage
Package is private currently
using AutoBatching, SimpleNonlinearSolve
function solve_nlprob(f::F, u0::AbstractVector, p::Number, alg) where {F}
prob = NonlinearProblem(f, u0, p)
return solve(prob, alg).u
u0 = rand(3)
p = 2.0
f = (u, p) -> u .^ 2 .- p
solve_nlprob(f, u0, p, SimpleBroyden())
batched_solve_nlprob = vmap(solve_nlprob, Val((2,)))
u0_batched = rand(3, 5)
batched_solve_nlprob(f, u0_batched, p, SimpleBroyden())
Supported Algorithms
- [x] SimpleBroyden
- [x] SimpleDFSane
- [x] SimpleGaussNewton
- [x] SimpleHalley
- [x] SimpleKlement
- [x] SimpleLimitedMemoryBroyden
- [x] SimpleNewtonRaphson
- [ ] SimpleTrustRegion
Code Changes
- Conditionals are not going to be supported. To modify the code to support branches, use
to perform a reduction on the batched scalar